PopMM - 04/07/24 00:00

[00:00] Spyro> of course you think so
[00:00] [GoD]Eric> cant put clothes on like Soulja Boy
[00:00] Spyro> eric join
[00:00] Spyro> LOL
[00:00] Spyro> true man
[00:00] Spyro> nah im not gay eric
[00:00] Spyro> i like girls man
[00:00] Spyro> you should know this
[00:00] Spyro> ive posted pics
[00:00] Spyro> of me with my ex before on discord
[00:01] Spyro> ossur
[00:01] [GoD]Eric> all i know is that u were asking me money in back days
[00:01] Spyro> are you okay with playing 1.01?
[00:01] [GoD]Eric> that u were homeless
[00:01] Spyro> i would like to play 1.01 ossur if thats cool with you
[00:02] Spyro> thats old news eric
[00:02] Spyro> lmao
[00:02] Spyro> everyone knows this already
[00:02] [GoD]Eric> lol
[00:02] Spyro> i cant believe people still talk about it lmao
[00:02] [GoD]Eric> buit why were u homeless?
[00:02] Spyro> as if its supposed to bother me
[00:02] Spyro> dude that was like 10+ years ago
[00:03] Spyro> i could care less about it anymore
[00:03] [GoD]Eric> yes but why
[00:03] Spyro> doenst matter ll
[00:03] Spyro> its in the past :D
[00:03] Spyro> OSSSURRR
[00:03] [GoD]Eric> yeah but would like to know
[00:03] Spyro> i bet you would
[00:03] Spyro> i wanna know why you wear tight clothes
[00:08] o_mohammed in
[00:14] [SW]Sinegeiros out
[00:15] [SW]Sinegeiros in
[00:16] [AsG]Manl1 out
[00:22] cyborg> lets do another level
[00:22] Spyro> thats what u call
[00:22] Spyro> obliteration
[00:22] Spyro> wp node <3
[00:22] Spyro> just like old times
[00:23] Spyro> wp ossur and eric too
[00:23] [GoD]Eric> lol still own you
[00:23] Spyro> yea u do
[00:23] Spyro> but not that game :D
[00:23] cyborg> craters
[00:23] [GoD]Eric> rm?
[00:23] Spyro> gonna eat
[00:23] cyborg> whos up for craters?
[00:23] Spyro> then sure can play another
[00:24] Spyro> im surpised it wasnt laggy
[00:24] Spyro> for you guys
[00:24] Spyro> i was streaming
[00:24] Spyro> probably cuz i cleaned out my pc...had shit ton of dust
[00:24] Spyro> in it
[00:24] Spyro> cpu usage would be like max
[00:25] Spyro> and memory usage as well
[00:25] [GoD]Eric> why streaming
[00:25] [GoD]Eric> also yes was laggy
[00:26] lebannen> was playable
[00:26] lebannen out
[00:26] Spyro> i streamed for mrspy
[00:26] lebannen in
[00:26] Spyro> mrspybot
[00:27] lebannen> lol im spy
[00:27] lebannen out
[00:27] lebannen in
[00:27] Spyro> https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2188514674
[00:29] [GoD]Eric> ++++++++++++++2
[00:29] Luxray in
[00:32] themrspysir> xD
[00:32] urepopulous2 in
[00:35] urepopulous2> ready
[00:36] cyborg> map
[00:53] o_mohammed out
[00:56] Garbageman out
[00:58] blicky in
[00:59] themrspysir out
[01:07] blicky out
[01:14] cyborg> g
[01:15] [GoD]Eric> was 2v1
[01:18] Spyro out
[01:18] Spyro in
[01:18] Spyro> +2
[01:18] Spyro> brb 3 min grabbing water
[01:18] Spyro> and quick piss
[01:22] urepopulous2> next time ill go straith to the other base
[01:24] adray_tsi out
[01:27] [GoD]Eric> lets go me and lebannen
[01:27] [GoD]Eric> sess
[01:38] Spyro> Sex fuys
[01:38] Spyro> Sec guys
[01:38] Spyro> On phone. Comin
[01:38] Spyro> You guys still there?
[01:39] [GoD]Eric> yes
[01:39] [GoD]Eric> me and lebannon
[01:39] urepopulous2> i am
[01:39] Spyro> Ok. Who's in hut
[01:39] [GoD]Eric> me leba and urepop
[01:39] Spyro> It's you and urepopulous eric
[01:39] [GoD]Eric> nope i wont ally him
[01:39] Spyro> Your the better player
[01:39] [GoD]Eric> this time
[01:39] [GoD]Eric> dont care
[01:39] Spyro> You get the newest player
[01:39] urepopulous2> hahah come on
[01:39] [GoD]Eric> his a wildman rank
[01:40] Spyro> To make fairest teams
[01:40] urepopulous2> i am
[01:40] Spyro> Right and your shaman
[01:40] [GoD]Eric> let me ally cyborg
[01:40] Spyro> That's fine too
[01:41] Spyro> But fairest team, is you and newer player
[01:41] Spyro> Lowest rank
[01:41] Spyro> Your better then all of us
[01:41] Spyro> Is cyborg playing?
[01:43] Spyro> I'm walking in now. 15 seconds
[01:44] [GoD]Eric> i just alled him and had to do a 2v1
[01:44] Spyro> who
[01:44] [GoD]Eric> not interested to ally him
[01:44] Spyro> urepopulous?
[01:44] [GoD]Eric> cyborg and leba
[01:44] Spyro> who did you just ally
[01:44] Spyro> urepopulous?
[01:45] Spyro> eric who are you talking about
[01:45] urepopulous2> i did nothing wrong
[01:45] urepopulous2> just not that quick
[01:45] Spyro> im sure you did nothing wrong urepopulous
[01:45] Spyro> your just very inexperienced, thats all he is saying
[01:45] Spyro> ok ill ally him
[01:46] [GoD]Eric> all u did was sit in ur base and watch 25 mins game how i 2v1
[01:46] Spyro> no proble
[01:46] Spyro> i dont mind losing
[01:46] cyborg out
[01:46] cyborg in
[01:47] rc_doom9718 in
[01:47] rc_doom9718> hello guys
[01:47] rc_doom9718> im back
[01:47] rc_doom9718 out
[01:47] rc_doom9718 in
[01:48] Spyro> +1
[01:48] rc_doom9718> hello eric
[01:49] rc_doom9718> luxray or cyborg join to us
[01:50] Spyro> rc doom
[01:50] Spyro> we play next time ok
[01:50] Spyro> next match
[01:51] rc_doom9718> ok
[01:51] rc_doom9718> can be spec?
[01:51] Spyro> you can watch
[01:51] Spyro> if you want
[01:51] rc_doom9718> yes
[02:08] Garbageman in
[02:14] Spyro> gg
[02:14] Spyro> u didnt do that bad urepopulous
[02:14] Spyro> you know the basics bro
[02:14] Spyro> how to build, make troops
[02:14] Spyro> thats a start man
[02:14] [GoD]Eric> lol
[02:14] Spyro> but next time, go defend your base
[02:14] Spyro> i was fine
[02:15] lebannen out
[02:15] lebannen in
[02:15] [GoD]Eric> u got lucky he was trying to defend ur base
[02:15] lebannen out
[02:15] Spyro> lol eric
[02:15] [GoD]Eric> on craters he was sitting in his base
[02:15] lebannen in
[02:15] [GoD]Eric> and watch how i 2v1
[02:15] Spyro> you couldnt even get in my base
[02:15] Spyro> lol
[02:15] Spyro> eric you were trying to hard to get in my base
[02:15] Spyro> for 15 minutes
[02:15] Spyro> lol and failed everytime
[02:16] [GoD]Eric> spyro u said take it easy
[02:16] Spyro> but your ''so good''
[02:16] [GoD]Eric> so i did
[02:16] Spyro> lool dude u werent takin it easy
[02:16] Spyro> as many lights and troops u made
[02:16] Spyro> u were trying hardcore
[02:16] Spyro> nice excuse though
[02:16] [GoD]Eric> spyro if i dint take it easy u were getting owned in 6 mins just like on oo
[02:16] [GoD]Eric> pp
[02:16] Spyro> Simple, your ego is high
[02:16] Spyro> and your not as good as you think you are
[02:17] [GoD]Eric> ego? call it skills
[02:17] Spyro> LOLL
[02:17] Spyro> ye we saw ur skills on sess alright
[02:17] Spyro> lmao
[02:17] rc_doom9718> can stop talk and go next?
[02:17] [GoD]Eric> hahaha
[02:17] [GoD]Eric> he kick me
[02:17] Spyro> rather play with someone else at this point
[02:17] Spyro> yea i did
[02:17] Spyro> your not playin to play
[02:17] [GoD]Eric> i hurt his feelings
[02:17] [GoD]Eric> lolol
[02:17] Spyro> your playing to make a point
[02:17] Spyro> Nope, not at all
[02:17] Spyro> I just rather play a game we can all enjoy
[02:17] [GoD]Eric> thats how weak u are spyro
[02:17] Spyro> and not listen to your banter
[02:18] Spyro> your braggin about beating a guy who is new
[02:18] [GoD]Eric> i enjoy my game
[02:18] Spyro> while allied to an old pro player
[02:18] [GoD]Eric> bragging?
[02:18] Spyro> Thats your character
[02:18] [GoD]Eric> where u do see that
[02:18] Spyro> sad
[02:18] rc_doom9718> well i go to sleep, when you stop talk like a kid talk to me
[02:18] Spyro> urepopulous
[02:18] Spyro> Do yo want to play?
[02:18] rc_doom9718 out
[02:18] Spyro> again
[02:18] Spyro> garbage man you down to play?
[02:19] [GoD]Eric> lol
[02:19] [GoD]Eric> spyro is ur feeling that hurt
[02:19] Spyro> Not at all
[02:19] [GoD]Eric> that u have to start kick
[02:19] Spyro> I already told you why i kicked you
[02:19] [GoD]Eric> u kick me but u blame leaf that leaf kick you out of discord
[02:19] [GoD]Eric> lol
[02:20] Spyro> I could care less. I'm not returning to his server
[02:20] Spyro> even if he unbans me
[02:20] [GoD]Eric> lol should i screenshot this and let u remind?
[02:20] Spyro> I dont care what you do
[02:20] Spyro> lol
[02:20] Spyro> screenshot everything lmao
[02:20] [GoD]Eric> yeah right
[02:20] [GoD]Eric> go
[02:20] Spyro> its 2024
[02:21] Spyro> Are you guys down for juggernaut?
[02:21] [GoD]Eric> sure
[02:21] Spyro> Who would like to be the 1
[02:21] [GoD]Eric> let me big base
[02:21] Spyro> ok
[02:21] lebannen> great
[02:21] lebannen> i like this
[02:21] Spyro> urepopulous, this is a 3v1 map okay?
[02:21] lebannen> that
[02:21] Spyro> we are all vs eric
[02:21] urepopulous2> OK
[02:22] lebannen> just keep live ure
[02:22] Spyro> Be careful your trees
[02:22] Spyro> And dont build so much at start
[02:23] Spyro> oh he must need beta
[02:23] Spyro> thats why
[02:23] Spyro> i did 1.01
[02:24] urepopulous2> it happens one of times
[02:24] urepopulous2> im ready now
[02:24] Spyro> then join
[02:24] Spyro> if your ready
[02:24] urepopulous2 out
[02:24] Spyro> lol
[02:25] urepopulous2 in
[02:25] urepopulous2 out
[02:25] Spyro> ok i go piss real quick
[02:25] Spyro> while he relogs or does whatever he is doing
[02:26] Garbageman out
[02:28] urepopulous2 in
[02:29] Spyro> Is he back?
[02:30] Spyro> Has he returned?
[02:31] lebannen> o.o
[02:31] Spyro> Lebanon, did he come back yet?
[02:31] Spyro> I'm on toilet pooping. I can't see
[02:31] urepopulous2> sorry i had to re set it twice, but here i am
[02:31] lebannen> lol
[02:32] Spyro> Ok I coming. Sec. Finishing my poop lol
[02:32] Spyro> :pile_of_poo:
[02:33] Garbageman in
[02:33] Spyro> kk
[02:35] Spyro> think he is trolling
[02:35] Spyro> ill try beta
[02:35] Spyro> maybe his 1.01 isnt good
[03:02] Spyro> well gg
[03:02] Spyro> lol
[03:02] urepopulous2> damn
[03:03] Spyro> i think the game would have lasted a bit longer
[03:03] Spyro> had you cast light ''on'' the shaman
[03:03] Spyro> not on the ground xD
[03:05] adray_tsi in
[03:10] lebannen out
[03:12] Spyro> ah i understand bro
[03:12] Spyro> your good ma
[03:12] Spyro> man
[03:35] Zpektrix_TAS out
[03:40] Spyro out
[04:12] urepopulous2 in
[04:14] urepopulous2 out
[04:15] [GoD]Eric out
[04:25] Garbageman out
[04:34] cyborg> Any gays
[04:38] Garbageman in
[04:49] Luxray out
[05:06] LoryMyto in
[05:07] LoryMyto out
[05:32] adray_tsi out
[05:49] Garbageman out
[06:27] urepopulous2 out
[06:33] tetc in
[06:59] jammy in
[07:01] MrSmokin_Hottie26> Well if jjay not on u can w8 for diego to log in ossur :winking_face:
[07:07] jammy in
[07:09] jammy out
[07:15] tetc out
[07:16] power> Lmfoo Koopa
[07:31] Zpektrix_TAS in
[07:31] Zpektrix_TAS out
[07:31] Zpektrix_TAS in
[08:13] [AsG]Manl1 in
[08:13] [SW]Sinegeiros out
[08:30] Power in
[08:31] Power> Maml1
[08:31] Power> Mnal1*
[08:31] Power> Manl1
[08:31] Power> lol
[08:31] Power> sup
[08:47] [AsG]Manl1> :D
[08:47] [AsG]Manl1> not much
[08:47] [AsG]Manl1> still sick
[08:47] [AsG]Manl1> and u
[09:06] Power> all good here
[09:06] Power> ty
[09:17] [AsG]Manl1 out
[09:41] Power out
[10:36] benypw in
[10:50] benypw out
[11:02] [Rw]Raver in
[11:02] [Rw]Raver> :cooldoge:
[11:19] Dougs in
[11:25] power> any games 1v1s ?
[11:36] [GoD]spinnifix in
[11:39] [GoD]spinnifix out
[12:06] [Rw]Raver out
[12:10] [Rw]Raver in
[12:22] Power in
[12:28] [AsG]Manl1 in
[12:39] [AsG]Manl1> .
[12:43] [Rw]Raver> :>
[12:44] [AsG]Manl1> :>
[12:44] [Rw]Raver> :cooldoge:
[12:53] Power> yoo
[12:56] Power> manly raver dougs
[12:57] Power> wanna 2v2?
[12:57] merciless1 in
[12:59] [D]Jozef in
[13:00] [D]Jozef> :monkastab:
[13:01] merciless1> :feelssuperhappyman::knife:
[13:01] [D]Jozef> :monkass:
[13:01] [D]Jozef> :monkasss:
[13:02] [D]Jozef> join diego
[13:02] merciless1> spater
[13:06] [D]Jozef out
[13:06] [D]Jozef in
[13:06] [Rw]Raver> what map u doin :-_-:
[13:06] [D]Jozef> watermelon juice
[13:06] [D]Jozef> its new
[13:06] [Rw]Raver> sold
[13:06] [D]Jozef> knew you would be
[13:06] [D]Jozef> what map you want
[13:07] [Rw]Raver> idk anything except most of them
[13:07] [D]Jozef> walls or sess?
[13:07] [D]Jozef> :ohyes:
[13:07] [Rw]Raver> lol ill play sess
[13:07] [Rw]Raver> i think its just walls im bored of
[13:07] [Rw]Raver> its the same thing over and over
[13:07] [D]Jozef> thats fair
[13:07] [Rw]Raver> just eqing the front 6 times
[13:07] Power> sec
[13:07] [D]Jozef> we can do another too
[13:07] [Rw]Raver> and then someone sides
[13:07] Power> as doing sing_e player
[13:08] Power out
[13:08] Power in
[13:08] Power> ty for pm
[13:08] Power> :nice:
[13:08] [D]Jozef> of course :monkastab:
[13:13] merciless1 out
[13:13] merciless1 in
[13:37] [AsG]Manl1 out
[13:41] themrspysir in
[13:41] [D]Jozef> gg
[13:41] [Rw]Raver> gg :>
[13:41] [AsG]Manl1 in
[13:41] Power out
[13:42] Power in
[13:42] Power> gg wp
[13:42] Power> nice play raver
[13:42] Power> u did most of the job
[13:42] [Rw]Raver> thanks :D
[13:46] merciless1> nah dont get fooled raver
[13:46] merciless1> ur a shit ass low rankie of fukin shit
[13:46] merciless1> u sukk
[13:46] Power> lmfo sho wtf
[13:47] merciless1> powers jsut a ncie guy n didnt want to say it to u
[13:47] merciless1> :peepopoint:
[13:47] merciless1 out
[13:47] Power> cme here sho
[13:47] Power> 1v1 me
[13:47] Power> +2
[13:48] [Rw]Raver> only someone who hates themselves acts like that towards others
[13:48] [AvA]Soma- in
[13:48] [Rw]Raver> i have compassion for him because it must suck living with yourself if u dont like urself
[13:48] Power> +222
[13:48] [D]Jozef> Sho is good guy
[13:48] [D]Jozef> just addicted to the shit talk
[13:49] Power> he just trolls
[13:49] Power> ye
[13:49] [D]Jozef> just stab him
[13:49] Power> ok
[13:49] [D]Jozef> :monkastab:
[13:49] Power> lend me some of your blades
[13:49] cyborg> thats not nice joseph
[13:49] [D]Jozef> :monkastab::monkastab::monkastab::monkastab::monkastab:
[13:49] cyborg> hes got mental issues
[13:49] Power> soma ossur raver manl1
[13:49] [D]Jozef> which one?
[13:49] Power> +2
[13:49] Power> come guys
[13:49] [D]Jozef> i have all these
[13:49] cyborg> i know where he is from
[13:49] Power> second one looks sick
[13:50] cyborg> shogun is a woman from iceland
[13:50] cyborg> dont treat ladies like that
[13:50] [D]Jozef> ok here :knife:
[13:50] [D]Jozef> now you too can stab
[13:50] Power> you met him in a bar
[13:50] Power> Damm Joseph
[13:50] Power> ty
[13:50] Power> col knife
[13:50] Power> :monkastab:
[13:50] Power> looks good on my hand too
[13:50] [Rw]Raver> sick knife bro
[13:50] [Rw]Raver> absolute unit of a knife
[13:50] [D]Jozef> :feelssuperhappyman:
[13:52] [D]Jozef> ill be back in a few min
[13:52] [D]Jozef> need coffee
[13:52] Power> since i have a knife rn
[13:52] Power> better you guys hop in
[13:52] Power> or i will stab you
[13:52] Power> nice manl1
[13:53] bockwurstlaune in
[13:53] Power> you will be ok for today
[13:53] bockwurstlaune> hey guys
[13:53] Power> bock u are safe as well
[13:53] Power> but for today
[13:53] [Rw]Raver> u have to join his hut or he gets all stabby
[13:54] [D]Jozef> yes good power :monkastab:
[13:54] W4nderer out
[13:54] [D]Jozef> what map
[13:54] Power> dont think i will hesitate to use it
[13:54] [AsG]Manl1> oh wait
[13:54] [D]Jozef> walls :V
[13:54] [AsG]Manl1> only got 35 minutes
[13:54] [AsG]Manl1> :'(
[13:54] [D]Jozef> unfortunate
[13:54] Power> 35 looks fine
[13:54] Power> better than 35 knifesss
[13:54] [D]Jozef> up to you guys
[13:54] [D]Jozef> lets just go
[13:54] Power> idm
[13:54] Power> i am ok with any
[13:54] [AsG]Manl1> get soma
[13:54] [AsG]Manl1> ima watch
[13:55] [D]Jozef> ok bye manu
[13:55] Power> byeee
[13:55] [AsG]Manl1> *sadface
[13:55] [D]Jozef> soma idk
[13:55] [D]Jozef> can bock host?
[13:55] [AvA]Soma-> ?
[13:55] [D]Jozef> soma and i have bad host for each other lol
[13:55] Power> bock cant host me i guess
[13:55] [AvA]Soma-> i am from laptop now , so i don't have the star btw
[13:55] [D]Jozef> ok well we can try
[13:56] Gribi_TAS in
[13:57] cyborg> i need a boyfriend
[13:58] cyborg> a man that can show me real gay love
[13:58] [AvA]Soma- in
[13:59] cyborg> soma where were you?
[14:00] cyborg> you bow to noone.
[14:02] cyborg> still want to mess with me!?
[14:04] [Rw]Raver> did u forget to take your meds today ossur
[14:04] [AvA]Soma- out
[14:08] cyborg> should i get a 12gb graphics card or 16gbÐ
[14:08] cyborg> ?
[14:08] cyborg> https://vaktin.is/index.php?action=prices&method=display&cid=12
[14:09] cyborg> if u want to build a new gaming pc
[14:09] cyborg> this website is for you
[14:09] cyborg> u can buy parts and then assemble them
[14:09] Gribi_TAS out
[14:09] [Rw]Raver> only buy it if you will use it
[14:09] [Rw]Raver> what i mean is
[14:10] [Rw]Raver> do cost benefit analysis
[14:10] cyborg> thats the point , if u need only like 1tb then why waste money for 2tbÐ
[14:10] cyborg> or if u got a good graphics card that works for you why waste 500 dollars for a better one?
[14:10] [Rw]Raver> im not a good person to ask because i found that having a nice pc just trapped me inside more
[14:10] cyborg> nah man
[14:11] cyborg> dont worry
[14:12] cyborg> dont waste time on negative thoughts, they are useless and yes having fun and doing what you like to do and let every thing happen
[14:12] [Rw]Raver> i do agree with that now
[14:12] cyborg> so in this case just buy new pc and trap youself inside :;
[14:12] [Rw]Raver> haha :D
[14:12] [Rw]Raver> yeah i agree with this philosophy
[14:12] [Rw]Raver> because u wouldnt be trapped inside if u didnt want to be :>
[14:12] cyborg> let it happen
[14:13] cyborg> what ever you fear will happen
[14:13] cyborg> just let it happen and move on
[14:13] [Rw]Raver> its funny because we only ever do what we want most
[14:13] [Rw]Raver> like
[14:13] [Rw]Raver> if ur addicted to weed its because u want to be stoned more than u want to be sober
[14:13] cyborg> yeah hobbys and doing whats fun is like a medicine its very important
[14:14] cyborg> yeah if you want drugs just take them
[14:14] cyborg> but in that case i wouldnt recommend it
[14:14] cyborg> drugs are bad
[14:14] [Rw]Raver> lol i completed drugs got every trophy
[14:14] [Rw]Raver> platinumed it
[14:14] [Rw]Raver> thats the thing
[14:14] [Rw]Raver> i have 0 desire to be a drug addict now
[14:14] [Rw]Raver> like its not even appealing
[14:14] [Rw]Raver> thats how u beat addiction
[14:14] [Rw]Raver> go through it
[14:15] [Rw]Raver> or youll spend the rest of your life wishing u could do it
[14:15] [Rw]Raver> im free
[14:15] [Rw]Raver> freeeeeeeeeeee
[14:15] [Rw]Raver> :D
[14:15] cyborg> number 1 is having fun or work, number 2 never think about negative thoughts, 3 is let everyhthing happen that you fear will happen
[14:15] cyborg> like being trapped because of that pc :D
[14:15] [Rw]Raver> lol
[14:15] [Rw]Raver> i agree with u bro thats very wise
[14:15] [Rw]Raver> how old are u
[14:15] cyborg> 36
[14:15] cyborg> im getting old man
[14:15] cyborg> almost 40
[14:16] cyborg> not as sharp as i used to be
[14:16] [Rw]Raver> thats because of accumulation of toxins and inorganic minerals
[14:16] [Rw]Raver> humans are immortal
[14:16] [Rw]Raver> most people arent ready for that tho
[14:16] [Rw]Raver> :>
[14:16] cyborg> human body isnt madeto live foever
[14:16] cyborg> i think...
[14:16] [Rw]Raver> yes it is actually
[14:16] [Rw]Raver> lemme get u a pdf of a very cool book
[14:16] [Rw]Raver> 1 sec
[14:16] cyborg> kk
[14:17] [Rw]Raver> https://archive.org/details/manshigherconsciousnesshiltonhotema_771_O
[14:17] [Rw]Raver> :>
[14:17] [Rw]Raver> human beings are immortal
[14:17] [Rw]Raver> ageing is just accumulation of waste
[14:17] [Rw]Raver> nobody dies of old age
[14:17] [Rw]Raver> they suffocate on their own waste
[14:18] cyborg> yeah but there are people that have smoked all their lives and they live over 100 years
[14:18] [Rw]Raver> sure
[14:18] [Rw]Raver> smoking is much less waste accumulation that eating
[14:18] cyborg> nah worst drug is alcohol
[14:18] cyborg> drugs like cannabis
[14:18] [Rw]Raver> yeah but we're talking in terms of waste accumulating
[14:18] cyborg> are no worse then smoking
[14:19] [Rw]Raver> only reason people die is stuff gets blocked
[14:19] cyborg> cannabis is legalised in many countries
[14:19] [Rw]Raver> from waste
[14:19] cyborg> well that book looks good
[14:19] [Rw]Raver> smoking causes mucus buildup
[14:19] [Rw]Raver> everything u consume leaves a mark
[14:19] dictatorjulio in
[14:19] cyborg> hmmm
[14:19] [Rw]Raver> do u want proof
[14:20] [Rw]Raver> i can prove it right now
[14:21] Kayin in
[14:21] cyborg> go ahead
[14:21] Kayin out
[14:21] Kayin in
[14:21] [Rw]Raver> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nduWzk02tw
[14:21] [Rw]Raver> ive had 20kg of this stuff come out of me so far
[14:21] [Rw]Raver> accumulated filth
[14:22] cyborg> is that you?
[14:23] [Rw]Raver> ye :>
[14:23] Spyro in
[14:23] cyborg> you look like me
[14:23] cyborg> lol
[14:23] [Rw]Raver> i documented a lot of stuff tho
[14:24] [Rw]Raver> of this stuff coming out
[14:24] [Rw]Raver> i got lots of proof to back up my claims
[14:24] jammy> come cyborg
[14:25] cyborg> yo jammy im going to the gym :)
[14:25] cyborg> i need to lose some weigh
[14:25] cyborg> i guess
[14:25] jammy> skip gym today, eat right... u will lose more
[14:27] cyborg> yeah like 80% is eating healthy
[14:27] cyborg> 20% is working out
[14:27] rc_doom9718 in
[14:27] [Rw]Raver> yea if i dont eat right i dont even want to work out
[14:28] [Rw]Raver> people who eat mcdonalds and then go to the gym are crazy
[14:28] cyborg> the thing is
[14:28] rc_doom9718> hello guys
[14:28] cyborg> i dont eat too much tbh
[14:28] [Rw]Raver> hello doom :D
[14:28] 00Shaman in
[14:28] rc_doom9718> lets play
[14:28] cyborg> rc doom
[14:28] 00Shaman> sup punks
[14:28] rc_doom9718> lol
[14:28] cyborg> sup
[14:29] cyborg> i will be back!! :D in 1 hour
[14:29] [Rw]Raver> :>
[14:29] rc_doom9718> F
[14:29] 00Shaman> raver join
[14:29] 00Shaman> i won't be back in 1 hour
[14:29] 00Shaman> haha
[14:29] 00Shaman> i only have 1 hour
[14:29] cyborg> left of your life?
[14:29] cyborg> i got 1 hour left of my life
[14:29] rc_doom9718> lol
[14:29] 00Shaman> maybe
[14:29] 00Shaman> idk
[14:30] 00Shaman> life is unpredicatble
[14:30] cyborg> you cant escape death
[14:30] Spyro> hi doom
[14:30] cyborg> you can only avoid it
[14:30] rc_doom9718> come here shaman an jammy
[14:30] rc_doom9718> hi spybro
[14:30] Spyro> spybro lol
[14:30] jammy> looking for relaxy game
[14:30] Spyro> thats a first. I like it :D
[14:30] rc_doom9718> sorry
[14:30] rc_doom9718> spyro
[14:30] rc_doom9718> lol
[14:30] Spyro> no, its a good nick name
[14:31] Spyro> maybe ill change my name to Spybro
[14:31] rc_doom9718> jammy?
[14:31] rc_doom9718> i like spybro
[14:31] rc_doom9718> lol
[14:31] rc_doom9718> +1
[14:31] Spyro> What you guys thinking?
[14:31] rc_doom9718> why nobody say populous have now keybinding
[14:32] jammy> i want to change my nick to something cool
[14:32] rc_doom9718> ok
[14:32] jammy> was thinking of rc_doom9718, but i see its already taken
[14:32] rc_doom9718> lol
[14:32] [Rw]Raver> lol
[14:32] [Rw]Raver> jammy_dodger
[14:33] jammy> not so cool
[14:33] [Rw]Raver> nobody could pick for you
[14:33] [Rw]Raver> u gotta go with your heart and gut
[14:34] [Rw]Raver> whatever feels cool
[14:34] [Rw]Raver> dont just copy some shit :cooldoge:
[14:34] rc_doom9718> what means sigma and mu in ma stats?
[14:34] [Rw]Raver> tbh
[14:34] 00Shaman> JOIN
[14:34] 00Shaman> let's go
[14:34] [Rw]Raver> fuck knows
[14:34] [Rw]Raver> OK
[14:35] Spyro> What yall wanna play?
[14:35] [Rw]Raver> im consuming caffeine right now which i never do so ill either be insanely good or itll ruin me
[14:35] [Rw]Raver> its a gamble
[14:35] jammy> if u stop playing the game, and focus on building your life and career, u will soon become a sigma male
[14:35] rc_doom9718> remember guys im new here
[14:35] jammy> hence the sigma points rise
[14:35] rc_doom9718> lol
[14:35] jammy> mu is opposite to that
[14:35] Power> gg wp
[14:35] [Rw]Raver> so 3 vs doom
[14:35] rc_doom9718> what?
[14:35] [D]Jozef> gg
[14:35] Power> u cant lose your base while i get doubled
[14:35] Power> lol
[14:35] rc_doom9718> more ppl
[14:35] [D]Jozef> I was so inefficient at countering them lol
[14:35] rc_doom9718> 8 game
[14:35] [D]Jozef> nice carry bock
[14:35] rc_doom9718> hello jozef
[14:35] [D]Jozef> hey doom welcome back
[14:35] [AvA]Soma-> i had to click 5 times to do anything
[14:36] 00Shaman> power hour
[14:36] [D]Jozef> ye see soma host same for me
[14:36] Spyro> guys get soma
[14:36] Spyro> i gotta run
[14:36] [D]Jozef> i knew this
[14:36] Spyro> for 15
[14:36] Spyro> sorry
[14:36] rc_doom9718> :(
[14:36] rc_doom9718> hello power
[14:36] [Rw]Raver> soma do 6p
[14:36] Power> hii
[14:36] 00Shaman> soma
[14:36] [Rw]Raver> power hates 6p
[14:36] 00Shaman> wtf happened to your star
[14:36] [Rw]Raver> power come :>
[14:37] [AvA]Soma-> i can't host , i am from laptop and no star
[14:37] [D]Jozef> idk how bock grows his pop like that
[14:37] rc_doom9718> what menas a start?
[14:37] rc_doom9718> star*
[14:37] [D]Jozef> if you forward your ports to 7575 udp
[14:37] rc_doom9718> means*
[14:37] [D]Jozef> usually youll get a star
[14:37] [Rw]Raver> which ports
[14:37] rc_doom9718> how can config that?
[14:37] [D]Jozef> which means you can host
[14:37] [Rw]Raver> can u confirm the port
[14:37] Power> well he just was passive with his shaman at beginngi
[14:37] [D]Jozef> you would go to google
[14:37] Power> no
[14:37] Power> i dont do 6p
[14:37] Power> if possible
[14:37] [D]Jozef> type how to forward ports with "internet provider name"
[14:38] rc_doom9718> ok
[14:38] [D]Jozef> then follow steps and forward port to 7575 udp
[14:38] [D]Jozef> doom is very new
[14:38] rc_doom9718> so who be host?
[14:38] [D]Jozef> be patient with him
[14:38] rc_doom9718> yeah im new :)
[14:38] 00Shaman out
[14:39] 00Shaman in
[14:39] [Rw]Raver> theres 5 of us
[14:39] [Rw]Raver> 3v2?
[14:39] [Rw]Raver> doom is new
[14:39] 00Shaman> [Rw]Raver + 00Shaman vs. Power + rc_doom9718
[14:39] Power> i am allying anyone as far as its 2v2
[14:40] [Rw]Raver> but soma :(
[14:40] [D]Jozef> power is a strong ally doom
[14:40] 00Shaman> "power" trip
[14:40] rc_doom9718> ohh nice
[14:40] [AvA]Soma- out
[14:40] 00Shaman> :kekyou:
[14:40] [Rw]Raver> okay he gone
[14:40] 00Shaman> k let's go
[14:40] rc_doom9718> go
[14:40] 00Shaman> any lvl
[14:40] [Rw]Raver> now i dont feel bad lol
[14:40] [AvA]Soma- in
[14:40] [Rw]Raver> this map is cool i found it yday
[14:40] 00Shaman> lol
[14:40] Power> soma
[14:40] Power> want my spot?
[14:40] [GoD]FreeInca in
[14:40] [AvA]Soma-> 6p
[14:40] [D]Jozef> hola blanco
[14:40] 00Shaman> teams wont be fair
[14:40] [GoD]FreeInca> hola negro
[14:40] 00Shaman> hola rolex
[14:40] Power> go 6p guys
[14:41] rc_doom9718> quien es blanco?
[14:41] Power> u can get +
[14:41] Power> +
[14:41] [GoD]FreeInca> hola negros
[14:41] Power> 3
[14:41] [GoD]FreeInca> como estan
[14:41] rc_doom9718> lol
[14:41] Power> with out me
[14:41] [D]Jozef> blanco es freeinca
[14:41] 00Shaman> bien perro y tu?
[14:41] rc_doom9718> hi from cuba
[14:41] [D]Jozef> free inca es mi mejor amigo
[14:41] [GoD]FreeInca> bien perra
[14:41] rc_doom9718> yo de maravilla
[14:41] [D]Jozef> donde argentina
[14:41] rc_doom9718> +1
[14:41] 00Shaman> joseph come
[14:41] [GoD]FreeInca> love you jose
[14:42] 00Shaman> viva lima
[14:42] rc_doom9718> lol
[14:42] [GoD]FreeInca> viva rolex
[14:42] 00Shaman> hahahh
[14:42] rc_doom9718> need 1 more
[14:42] 00Shaman> i have a peruvian/polish baby now
[14:42] rc_doom9718> jozef join us
[14:42] 00Shaman> the future rolex
[14:42] rc_doom9718> go
[14:42] [D]Jozef> im only playing
[14:42] [D]Jozef> if whoever allies doom
[14:42] rc_doom9718> lol
[14:42] [D]Jozef> agrees to be patient with him
[14:42] [D]Jozef> :D
[14:42] [GoD]FreeInca> who is rc
[14:42] [Rw]Raver> hes new
[14:42] rc_doom9718> newbie
[14:42] [D]Jozef> he very new
[14:42] [Rw]Raver> shall i do unranked
[14:42] [D]Jozef> nah
[14:43] [D]Jozef> never unranked
[14:43] [Rw]Raver> lol
[14:43] [D]Jozef> points dont matter
[14:43] [GoD]FreeInca> what map ?
[14:43] [Rw]Raver> then i must destroy
[14:43] [AvA]Soma-> i am from laptop so count me as wildy
[14:43] [D]Jozef> lets do a map that me n chichi can
[14:43] [D]Jozef> do well with doom
[14:43] [Rw]Raver> u pick then
[14:43] 00Shaman> [Rw]Raver + 00Shaman + [AvA]Soma- vs. [D]Jozef + rc_doom9718 + [GoD]FreeInca
[14:43] [D]Jozef> maybe sess
[14:43] [D]Jozef> ?
[14:43] [Rw]Raver> sure
[14:43] [D]Jozef> up to chichi
[14:43] [GoD]FreeInca> go sess
[14:43] [D]Jozef> purin mire
[14:43] [AvA]Soma-> sess good
[14:43] [Rw]Raver> what mappack is that
[14:43] [D]Jozef> purinmir
[14:43] [AvA]Soma-> community mappack
[14:43] [GoD]FreeInca> yes
[14:44] [D]Jozef> search map purinmir
[14:44] [AvA]Soma-> purimnir 6
[14:44] 00Shaman> poopinimir
[14:46] Power out
[14:49] lebannen in
[14:49] lebannen out
[14:49] lebannen in
[14:50] lebannen out
[14:50] Incy in
[14:53] [AsG]Manl1 out
[14:56] Incy out
[14:56] merciless1 in
[15:24] 00Shaman out
[15:25] [GoD]FreeInca> spyrooooooooooooooooooooo
[15:25] [GoD]FreeInca> negro
[15:25] rc_doom9718> good game
[15:25] [D]Jozef> gg
[15:25] rc_doom9718> lol
[15:25] [D]Jozef> doom you gid great
[15:25] [D]Jozef> did
[15:25] rc_doom9718> im very stress
[15:25] rc_doom9718> lol
[15:25] [AvA]Soma-> was not over btw
[15:25] [D]Jozef> its stressful game
[15:25] [D]Jozef> and it was over
[15:25] [Rw]Raver> it wasnt
[15:25] [Rw]Raver> at all
[15:25] [D]Jozef> ye
[15:25] [D]Jozef> we would have won
[15:25] [GoD]FreeInca> brb eat
[15:25] [D]Jozef> :D
[15:25] rc_doom9718> bro only blue shaman alive
[15:26] rc_doom9718> you will die
[15:26] rc_doom9718> lol
[15:26] rc_doom9718> was nice game
[15:26] [D]Jozef> it was over because you quit
[15:26] [GoD]FreeInca> nice game doom
[15:26] [D]Jozef> soooo
[15:26] [Rw]Raver> it was over when red left
[15:26] [Rw]Raver> before that
[15:26] [Rw]Raver> no way
[15:26] rc_doom9718> lol
[15:26] power> quiters
[15:26] power> i hate then
[15:26] power> m
[15:26] power> i will use my knife now
[15:26] [Rw]Raver> lol
[15:27] rc_doom9718> see you later guys
[15:27] [D]Jozef> later doom
[15:27] rc_doom9718 out
[15:27] [Rw]Raver> those first eqs took my wood away and it never grew back
[15:28] [D]Jozef> i also blasted your trees
[15:28] [D]Jozef> was tactival
[15:28] [D]Jozef> tactical
[15:28] [Rw]Raver> did you
[15:28] [Rw]Raver> theres an unwritten rule
[15:29] [Rw]Raver> that u shouldnt do that
[15:29] [Rw]Raver> :(
[15:29] [Rw]Raver> but i will remember that
[15:29] [Rw]Raver> oh yes :>
[15:29] [D]Jozef> no such rule
[15:29] [Rw]Raver> its unwritten
[15:29] power> i may stab tree burners as well
[15:29] [Rw]Raver> power do u agree
[15:29] power> sorry Joseph
[15:29] [D]Jozef> thats ok
[15:29] [D]Jozef> all is fair in love and war
[15:30] power> well there is no rules anyone can play anyway they want
[15:30] [D]Jozef> you let me get into your base
[15:30] [D]Jozef> your trees are fair game
[15:30] power> but its npt ethical i would say
[15:30] [Rw]Raver> yeah but with that logic i can just kill your shaman and blast all your braves
[15:30] [D]Jozef> yes you could
[15:30] [Rw]Raver> but i wouldnt
[15:30] power> sure
[15:30] power> you can
[15:30] power> like i said
[15:30] power> i consider then non sportmenship
[15:30] [Rw]Raver> stabby stabby
[15:30] power> them*
[15:31] [D]Jozef> I dont identify as a sportsman
[15:31] [AvA]Soma- out
[15:31] power> i only do when my opponents does
[15:31] [AvA]Soma- in
[15:31] [D]Jozef> depens on match up too
[15:31] [D]Jozef> in that game we had noob
[15:31] power> and i always play like that to hw
[15:31] [D]Jozef> so had to do what i had to do :D
[15:31] power> since he does always
[15:31] [AsG]Manl1 in
[15:31] [Rw]Raver> i cant believe u blasted my trees
[15:31] [D]Jozef> loool
[15:31] power> well once fist did tovme
[15:32] [D]Jozef> lik 4
[15:32] [Rw]Raver> i was having 0 fun that whole game
[15:32] power> i was suprised as well
[15:32] [D]Jozef> like 4 trees
[15:32] [Rw]Raver> because no wood
[15:32] power> but
[15:32] power> its sess anyway
[15:32] power> who cares
[15:32] [Rw]Raver> me :(
[15:32] [Rw]Raver> 4 trees
[15:32] [Rw]Raver> u scumbag
[15:32] [D]Jozef> :gigakekw:
[15:32] power> spyro u up for a 1v1 now
[15:32] power> ?
[15:32] jammy> long back, there was punishment for bb and treees blasting
[15:32] [Rw]Raver> yea u get stabbed
[15:33] [D]Jozef> back when youd play on bigbang?
[15:33] jammy> i remember one time, a guy bb'd 2 braves... got reported
[15:33] [D]Jozef> listen i see your logic to an extent
[15:33] jammy> got electric chair
[15:33] power> lmfo
[15:33] [D]Jozef> would i try to enter you base at begining of game and blast trees
[15:33] [D]Jozef> no
[15:33] [D]Jozef> but if its later in game and i get in your base, ima maximize damage
[15:34] [Rw]Raver> u are now on a short list
[15:34] [Rw]Raver> of people whos trees im going to blast
[15:34] [Rw]Raver> the list has 1 person on it
[15:34] [D]Jozef> thats fair
[15:34] Power in
[15:34] [D]Jozef> because i certainly will blast yours too
[15:34] [Rw]Raver> tbh i still wont
[15:34] [Rw]Raver> because i dont want this to turn into a thing
[15:34] Power> ok lets go and balst trees
[15:35] Power> lest play sess but without eq or an other spells just balst
[15:35] Power> and no fws
[15:35] [D]Jozef> lol
[15:35] Power> who blasts better wins
[15:36] [Rw]Raver> blast doesnt even work half the time
[15:36] Power> skill issue
[15:36] Power> they would say
[15:36] [D]Jozef> its not like theres no way to counter it
[15:36] [D]Jozef> just build a defense
[15:36] [D]Jozef> and protect base
[15:36] [Rw]Raver> its not a skill issue when i perfectly click on a fw and the blast doesnt blast them
[15:36] Power> naa
[15:36] [Rw]Raver> they just get moved like 0.1 meters
[15:36] Power> still they would say
[15:36] Power> its skill issue
[15:37] [D]Jozef> i agree
[15:37] [D]Jozef> ravers skill issue
[15:37] [Rw]Raver> my superpower is deying what they say
[15:37] [Rw]Raver> defying
[15:37] Power> that doesnt work cause they are mods
[15:37] Power> full dictatoorship
[15:37] [Rw]Raver> i am immune to any mass consensus
[15:37] Power> well if you play with broken blast
[15:37] [D]Jozef> your trees arent tho
[15:37] Power> means u are not
[15:37] [Rw]Raver> :(
[15:38] [Rw]Raver> 4 trees u fuck
[15:38] [D]Jozef> :kekw:
[15:38] [Rw]Raver> that whole game i was like damn this would be fun if i could build
[15:38] [Rw]Raver> the whole entire time
[15:38] [D]Jozef> well i wasnt expecting doom to do so well
[15:38] [D]Jozef> was expecting 2v3
[15:38] [Rw]Raver> yea hes alright
[15:39] Power> any 1v1 sess?
[15:39] [D]Jozef> ill play soon
[15:39] [D]Jozef> should walk before it gets hot
[15:39] Power> it getting colder here
[15:39] Power> :nie:
[15:39] Power> :nice:
[15:39] [D]Jozef> only 80 degrees here today
[15:40] Power> these americans man
[15:40] [D]Jozef> but i have fair skil :feelssuperhappyman:
[15:40] Power> 80
[15:40] [Rw]Raver> only 80 lol
[15:40] Power> imagine it
[15:40] [D]Jozef> fair skin*
[15:40] [Rw]Raver> o n l y 8 0 he says
[15:40] [Rw]Raver> tree blasting fuck
[15:40] [D]Jozef> 27 c
[15:40] [Rw]Raver> joseph
[15:40] [Rw]Raver> did u know
[15:40] [Rw]Raver> u get sunburn
[15:40] Power> oh 27 is too low
[15:40] [Rw]Raver> based on ur diet
[15:40] [Rw]Raver> because
[15:40] [Rw]Raver> i used to sunburn easy
[15:40] [Rw]Raver> like very easy
[15:40] [D]Jozef> no
[15:41] [Rw]Raver> and now i can sit in 100 degree sun for 6 hours straight
[15:41] [D]Jozef> i get sunburn because im a ginger
[15:41] [Rw]Raver> no problem
[15:41] Power> u cant produce pigment casue of your diet?
[15:41] [D]Jozef> and i dont tan i just freckle
[15:41] [Rw]Raver> ginger is a diff issue
[15:42] [D]Jozef> you prob got a base tan
[15:42] [D]Jozef> and thats why you dont burn lol
[15:42] [Rw]Raver> nah man
[15:42] [Rw]Raver> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tiUr9uKDLIU
[15:42] [D]Jozef> or your body thinks its a watermelon
[15:42] [D]Jozef> and absorbs the sunlight
[15:42] [Rw]Raver> my blood is 50% melon
[15:42] [D]Jozef> to photosynthesize
[15:42] merciless1> /me lurking in the shadows :monkastab:
[15:42] [Rw]Raver> 50% vibe :cooldoge:
[15:43] [D]Jozef> Sho whats your thoughts on tree blasting mid game
[15:43] Power> sho
[15:43] [Rw]Raver> is 2.5 minutes mid game
[15:43] Power> 1v1 me
[15:43] Power> noq
[15:43] Power> w
[15:43] [D]Jozef> was not 2.5 mins
[15:43] [D]Jozef> i had an eq
[15:43] [Rw]Raver> 4 mins mac
[15:43] [D]Jozef> at least 6 min
[15:43] [Rw]Raver> max
[15:43] [Rw]Raver> game lasted 36 mins
[15:43] [Rw]Raver> 6 mins is not mid game
[15:43] merciless1> tree blasting? sonds merciless i like it :feelssuperhappyman:
[15:43] [Rw]Raver> its 1/6th game
[15:43] [D]Jozef> its late enough for me to tree blast you
[15:43] merciless1> and no power i cba rn lol
[15:43] [D]Jozef> thats for sure
[15:44] Power> why not u winning easy anyway
[15:44] [Rw]Raver> i dont see tree blasting as acceptable at any point
[15:44] [D]Jozef> we can agree to disagree
[15:44] Power> is that u raver
[15:44] Power> on the video
[15:44] [Rw]Raver> no lol
[15:44] [Rw]Raver> i do make videos about this topic tho :>
[15:44] [D]Jozef> its his silver fox
[15:44] Power> links?
[15:45] [Rw]Raver> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC34C00UElnle1oiwmNPpVsg
[15:45] [D]Jozef> i subscribed to his insta
[15:45] [D]Jozef> to learn these life secrets too
[15:45] [Rw]Raver> did you :>
[15:45] Power> DAMM DUDE
[15:45] [D]Jozef> you look like
[15:45] Power> super sick cool channel
[15:45] [Rw]Raver> WHAT
[15:45] [Rw]Raver> thanks :D
[15:45] [D]Jozef> that one direction singer
[15:46] [Rw]Raver> ive heard that a few times
[15:46] Power> i heard that
[15:47] Power> u gotta eat your fruits not juiced so some fiber will prevent glucose spikes
[15:48] [Rw]Raver> ive found that not to be a problem
[15:48] [Rw]Raver> i pound back 500+ grams of sugar every day
[15:48] Power> i can imagine ye
[15:49] [Rw]Raver> i actually feel better the more i have
[15:49] [Rw]Raver> like an addict
[15:49] [Rw]Raver> gimme dat sugah
[15:49] Power> well i would prefer eating, drinking gets boring
[15:49] Power> but for a faster way
[15:49] Power> drinking is ok
[15:49] [Rw]Raver> it all depends on how u breathe
[15:49] [D]Jozef> type 2 entered the chat
[15:50] [Rw]Raver> if u breathe into the diaphragm then all food blocks the breath and u really feel it
[15:50] [Rw]Raver> but liquids dont do that
[15:50] [Rw]Raver> how you breathe affects everything
[15:50] [D]Jozef> You are equally likeable and infuriating xD
[15:50] Power> well i would like to use my teeths
[15:50] [Rw]Raver> :D
[15:50] Power> and feel something hard
[15:50] [Rw]Raver> yeah i feel ya
[15:50] Power> than liquid
[15:50] Power> mabe u can do jellys
[15:50] [Rw]Raver> its all about what density of consciousness u want to operate at
[15:51] [Rw]Raver> liquid diet is very low density
[15:51] Power> i see
[15:51] [Rw]Raver> so u breathe deeper and feel lighter
[15:51] [Rw]Raver> but your emotions are amnplified
[15:51] [Rw]Raver> it can be intesne
[15:51] Power> thats weird interesting
[15:51] [Rw]Raver> so u can eat to bring it down
[15:51] Power> topic
[15:51] Power> that i havent heard of
[15:51] Power> i heard people eating only fruits
[15:51] [Rw]Raver> its all about learning to allow ur emotions
[15:51] Power> but not only juice diet
[15:51] [Rw]Raver> but its hard
[15:51] [Rw]Raver> because emotions scary
[15:52] [Rw]Raver> eating solid dehydrating stuff really is just like drugging yourself emotionally
[15:52] Power> just saw one of your videos topci that says energy doesnt come from food
[15:52] Power> dont know all video but sounds wrong
[15:52] Power> :)
[15:52] [Rw]Raver> i get that
[15:52] [Rw]Raver> food gives u energy the same way that cocaine does
[15:53] [Rw]Raver> its like stimulation
[15:53] [D]Jozef> :peepothink:
[15:53] [Rw]Raver> true energy comes from the aether/god/consciousness whatever u want to call it
[15:53] [Rw]Raver> nd thats what im saying about the lighter densities
[15:53] Power> well as someone who have some biology edcation i can asure you the only reason you eat is energy
[15:53] [Rw]Raver> the lighter density u are the more u get in touch with ur true source of vitality
[15:53] [D]Jozef> sounds culty
[15:53] Power> anyway gotta go now
[15:53] Power> argue later
[15:53] Power> cyl
[15:53] [Rw]Raver> seeya bro
[15:54] Power out
[15:54] [Rw]Raver> im not open to debating this tbh lol it can be verified through direct experience
[15:55] [Rw]Raver> that pepsi max really got me high
[15:55] [Rw]Raver> it was only a small can lol
[15:55] Spyro out
[15:56] Kayin out
[15:57] [D]Jozef> the pepsi opened your chakra aether
[15:57] [D]Jozef> ok ill be back
[15:57] [Rw]Raver> lol
[15:57] [D]Jozef> sry for blasing your trees
[15:57] [Rw]Raver> i forgive u
[15:57] [D]Jozef> :pepelove:
[16:00] Incy in
[16:01] [GoD]Eric in
[16:03] Garbageman in
[16:05] Incy> +2
[16:05] Incy> +1
[16:06] Incy out
[16:07] Incy in
[16:09] merciless1 out
[16:09] merciless1 in
[16:09] merciless1> big eric with the shamango rango :monkas:
[16:09] Dougs> Soma host?
[16:10] [AvA]Soma-> i am from laptop and i have no star
[16:10] [AvA]Soma-> can try
[16:10] Dougs> damnit
[16:10] [AvA]Soma-> but idk if i can
[16:10] Dougs> I wish I still had my star
[16:10] [GoD]Eric> wanna 1v1 shogun
[16:10] [GoD]Eric> ?
[16:10] [AsG]Manl1 out
[16:10] [AvA]Soma-> my pc died and i sent it to fix
[16:10] merciless1> nah gotta try hard vs u
[16:10] merciless1> n cba right now :kek:
[16:11] [GoD]Eric> lol
[16:11] [GoD]Eric> im very rusty
[16:11] [GoD]Eric> you might win
[16:11] merciless1> my sigma is higher than urs
[16:11] merciless1> u dun seem that rusty :monkamega:
[16:12] [GoD]Eric> lol
[16:12] [GoD]Eric> let me prove u
[16:13] Dougs> +1
[16:15] MrSmokin_hottie26> :ezy:
[16:16] Dougs> [AvA]Soma- + Dougs + MrSmokin_hottie26 vs. Incy + bockwurstlaune + Garbageman
[16:16] [AvA]Soma-> k
[16:16] merciless1> koopa play eric 1v1 brah
[16:16] merciless1> he wants sum blood
[16:16] MrSmokin_hottie26> how bout i play with ur mums butthole
[16:17] merciless1> she not around but i played with urs first brah its gg already :pepeohyes:
[16:17] Dougs> fml
[16:17] Dougs> pressed esc by accident
[16:18] Incy> ..
[16:18] Dougs> sorry my bad pressed esc by accident :'(
[16:18] [AvA]Soma-> :O
[16:18] Dougs> Just gonna step away from my keyboard till we load in :')
[16:18] MrSmokin_hottie26> dam sum1 beat me to it :nice:
[16:19] [AsG]Manl1 in
[16:25] Kayin in
[16:26] [D]Jozef> Did sho just say he played with kpas butthole
[16:26] [AsG]Manl1 out
[16:26] Kayin out
[16:27] [Rw]Raver> :-_-:
[16:38] [SW]Zgjims in
[16:49] Spyro in
[16:50] Incy> gg
[16:50] [GoD]Eric> Its okay jimmy
[16:50] Dougs> ggwp
[16:50] [AvA]Soma-> gg
[16:50] bockwurstlaune out
[16:50] Dougs> Koopa you killed all my wars with that first fs :')
[16:51] MrSmokin_hottie26> fs dont dmg ally units tho n was a fs into their land near cor
[16:51] MrSmokin_hottie26> plus shammy was there so them wars were fhkd too
[16:51] Dougs> I can forgive it then
[16:51] Incy out
[16:52] Dougs> Just watched all my warrs get caught in it
[16:52] Dougs> was like ffs
[16:52] Dougs> ah well you two did fucking awesome
[16:52] MrSmokin_hottie26> ye too bad teal shammy came to aide
[16:52] [AvA]Soma-> ++1
[16:52] Dougs> You 2 holding up so well allowed me to basically 1v1 garbageman and by that point i had a decent pop lead so was able to get the better
[16:53] [AsG]Manl1 in
[16:54] Garbageman out
[16:54] [GoD]Eric> koopa wanna 1v1?
[16:54] Garbageman in
[16:54] [AvA]Soma-> ++++1
[16:54] [AvA]Soma-> sess 6p
[16:54] MrSmokin_hottie26> nah maybe l8r
[16:54] MrSmokin_hottie26> come 3 v 3 brah
[16:54] MrSmokin_hottie26> or 6 colors too much for ur simple ass
[16:54] [GoD]Eric> sucks 6 p
[16:55] [GoD]Eric> better 4p
[16:55] [AvA]Soma-> AvA]Soma- + cyborg + [GoD]Eric vs. [AsG]Manl1 + Garbageman + MrSmokin_hottie26
[16:55] MrSmokin_hottie26> :shrug:
[16:55] cyborg> allways have something fun to do
[16:56] jammy out
[16:56] [AvA]Soma-> ossur update
[16:57] cyborg> yeah
[16:57] cyborg out
[16:57] cyborg in
[16:57] cyborg> i did update
[16:59] MrSmokin_hottie26> ye could tell u could handle no probs especially after our tag team on garageguy
[17:01] Garbageman> ye and blue in my base from bd
[17:01] [GoD]Eric> do 2v2
[17:01] [GoD]Eric> will be much better
[17:02] cyborg> that was somas problem
[17:10] MrSmokin_hottie26> garageguys too shit guy should try solitaire or something
[17:10] [SW]Zgjims in
[17:12] [SW]Zgjims out
[17:12] Garbageman out
[17:13] Garbageman in
[17:13] Garbageman> koop shitties pop player ever
[17:13] Garbageman> embarassment
[17:13] [GoD]Eric out
[17:13] Garbageman> fake fw rank
[17:13] Garbageman> who playes sess and 5 mins in have no fws
[17:13] [GoD]Eric in
[17:13] Garbageman> dudes a fake rankbrain dead
[17:14] [GoD]Intrepid> Lool
[17:14] [AvA]Soma-> :lmao:
[17:14] cyborg> is there a craters map for 6p?
[17:14] Garbageman> braindead shit
[17:14] cyborg> eric do craters
[17:14] Garbageman> hate when higher rankes play retarted and just blame allies
[17:14] Garbageman> who plays sess and dont have 1 fs after 7 mins?
[17:14] Garbageman> like wtf
[17:14] Garbageman> fw*
[17:15] [GoD]Eric> i hope i proved u all a point
[17:15] [GoD]Eric> that 6players sucks
[17:15] Garbageman> koop just retarted
[17:15] Garbageman> has anyone ever seen someone play sess and have no fws at all
[17:16] Garbageman> thats history
[17:16] [GoD]Eric> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1
[17:17] MrSmokin_hottie26> how bout u get more then a shammy kill u dummy or do i need make 20 fws first 7 mins allied to u
[17:17] MrSmokin_hottie26> apparently i do
[17:17] cyborg> kpa join us
[17:17] Garbageman> doesnt matter cant kill shamans from your base dumbass
[17:18] Garbageman> 2 shamans
[17:18] Garbageman> still no fucking body layes sess with no fws thats braindead shit
[17:18] MrSmokin_hottie26> 1-4
[17:18] MrSmokin_hottie26> ye it kinda does u retard
[17:18] MrSmokin_hottie26> u wanna know y ur a low war rankie n im not? cus ik wut im talkin bout
[17:18] Garbageman> there were 2 shamans coming to your base you expect me to blast and kill both hu
[17:18] Garbageman> lmao
[17:18] Garbageman> be real man you played like shit and got mad and blamed allies
[17:18] MrSmokin_hottie26> cus u aint contributing shit brah
[17:19] MrSmokin_hottie26> u cant even get mroe then 1 shammy kill
[17:19] Garbageman> 2 shamans coming to your base even i killed one whats the difference
[17:19] MrSmokin_hottie26> n thats cus ur way to fhkin passive
[17:19] Garbageman> still would of got eqd
[17:19] MrSmokin_hottie26> u wanna know y 2 shammies came to me?
[17:19] Garbageman> no defense at all im not super dont rely on me to save your ass
[17:19] [GoD]Eric> koopa wanna 1v1?
[17:19] Garbageman> lmao
[17:19] MrSmokin_hottie26> cus ur just sitttttting at ur base
[17:19] MrSmokin_hottie26> like a mongaloid
[17:19] Garbageman> you haveno fws
[17:20] Garbageman> who wouldnt go for a base with no defense
[17:20] Garbageman> comon man lmao
[17:20] MrSmokin_hottie26> they could gone urs
[17:20] MrSmokin_hottie26> nothingggg u coulda done to stop it
[17:20] Garbageman> noone does that
[17:20] MrSmokin_hottie26> cus u aint doing shit
[17:20] Garbageman> noone go for a base with defense over a no defense base
[17:20] [D]Jozef> help me
[17:20] MrSmokin_hottie26> they go for obv the best player not the shittiest
[17:20] MrSmokin_hottie26> thats u
[17:20] Garbageman> everyone would rather go for a base with no fws
[17:20] [D]Jozef> Eric you're too good
[17:20] Garbageman> thats common sense
[17:20] MrSmokin_hottie26> u think u 2 fws would do shit?
[17:21] MrSmokin_hottie26> :lmao:
[17:21] Garbageman> had 8 fws and yea
[17:21] MrSmokin_hottie26> how bout u help with mid bro
[17:21] Garbageman> 8 fws can stall time dummy
[17:21] MrSmokin_hottie26> lmaooo load of good that did us
[17:21] Garbageman> better than having 0
[17:21] [GoD]Eric> prove them that ur not bad
[17:21] MrSmokin_hottie26> u kept them at ur noob base then?
[17:21] MrSmokin_hottie26> wowww lolll
[17:21] MrSmokin_hottie26> poinit proven
[17:21] MrSmokin_hottie26> make the switch to minesweeper bro
[17:21] Garbageman> imagine if you had fws too would of helped
[17:21] themrspysir out
[17:22] [D]Jozef> happy 4th Kpa n garbage
[17:22] [GoD]Eric> koopa
[17:22] [GoD]Eric> 1v1
[17:22] [GoD]Eric> ?
[17:22] Garbageman> to say having no fws on sess is smart is retarted man
[17:22] Garbageman> stop trying to justify that
[17:22] MrSmokin_hottie26> u think fws woulda helpd?
[17:22] Garbageman> nobody ever does that
[17:22] MrSmokin_hottie26> u r clearly clueless
[17:22] [D]Jozef> [D]Jozef> happy 4th Kpa n garbage
[17:22] Garbageman> you did that before
[17:22] [D]Jozef> I fucking spoke
[17:22] [D]Jozef> :mad:
[17:22] [GoD]Eric> koopa
[17:22] [GoD]Eric> 1v1?
[17:22] Garbageman> dismantled all towers and defense and let the enemy walk in
[17:22] MrSmokin_hottie26> garage go rank up sum
[17:22] Garbageman> and got mad at allies
[17:22] MrSmokin_hottie26> then talk
[17:23] MrSmokin_hottie26> cba talking to a low rankie no namer
[17:23] Garbageman> i cant i keep playing with allies like koop
[17:23] [GoD]Eric> garbageman would koopa lose in a 1v1 against me?
[17:23] Garbageman> dont matter rank facts is facts
[17:23] [D]Jozef> rank does matter somewhat
[17:23] Garbageman> you cant get anyone on here to agree n say its smart to have no fws on sess
[17:23] Garbageman> try it
[17:23] merciless1> dam koopa u scared of eric brah
[17:24] [D]Jozef> like kpa obv better than you lol
[17:24] [GoD]Eric> koopa
[17:24] [GoD]Eric> lets 1v1
[17:24] [GoD]Eric> show them that u are good
[17:24] [D]Jozef> i pmd jimmy
[17:24] Garbageman> joseph dick riding
[17:24] [D]Jozef> no
[17:24] Garbageman> but was bitching at koopa for doin the same thing one game
[17:24] Garbageman> fake
[17:24] [D]Jozef> Ive just know first hand
[17:24] [D]Jozef> how you play is
[17:24] merciless1 out
[17:24] [D]Jozef> and you blamed ally then too
[17:25] [D]Jozef> lol
[17:25] Garbageman> no matter the rank
[17:25] Garbageman> dumb is dumb
[17:25] [GoD]Eric> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1
[17:25] Garbageman> if you have no fws thats retarted
[17:25] cyborg> https://pcpartpicker.com/list/
[17:25] [D]Jozef> sure but happens
[17:25] Garbageman> even if your shaman
[17:25] cyborg> if you want to make your own pc
[17:25] [D]Jozef> maybe he used all his fws to defend
[17:25] Garbageman> he had no fw hut
[17:25] [D]Jozef> lol
[17:25] Garbageman> stop sucking his dick man
[17:26] [D]Jozef> interesting
[17:26] [Rw]Hawk_Tuah in
[17:26] MrSmokin_hottie26> just admit it ur trash bud
[17:26] [Rw]Hawk_Tuah> i admit
[17:26] Garbageman> to have no fw hiut or fws 7 mins is sess is stupid idc if hes shaman rank everyone can agree here thats stupid
[17:26] Garbageman> no if and or buts
[17:26] MrSmokin_hottie26> i could whoop ya no fws for 20 mins
[17:26] [Rw]Hawk_Tuah> :pepegaphone: IM FOKIN TRASH
[17:26] MrSmokin_hottie26> ur point?
[17:26] [AvA]Soma-> sorry gtg
[17:26] [AvA]Soma- out
[17:27] [D]Jozef> nah
[17:27] Garbageman> hate when high rank players do stupid shit and just say shut up im high rank
[17:27] Garbageman> fag behavior
[17:27] [D]Jozef> it's high risk high reward
[17:27] Garbageman> lol
[17:27] [D]Jozef> but can pay off
[17:27] [D]Jozef> and no one cares about a perma wars interpretation of skill
[17:27] MrSmokin_hottie26> i mean i bet i whoop ya
[17:27] [D]Jozef> tsu plays the same
[17:28] Garbageman> no bryea you can beat a lower rank congrats what about 1v1 eric like hes been asking?
[17:28] [D]Jozef> troops later grow pop fast
[17:28] [D]Jozef> guy gets crazy mana from it
[17:28] MrSmokin_hottie26> wuts a bryea?
[17:28] [GoD]Eric> ye 1v1 me koopa
[17:28] [GoD]Eric> lets go
[17:28] MrSmokin_hottie26> ye ik i whoop ya so shut ur lame ass up
[17:28] [D]Jozef> i dont want to play w Eric
[17:28] MrSmokin_hottie26> talkin like u know anything bout this game
[17:28] Garbageman> koop can only 1v1 warrior and below
[17:28] MrSmokin_hottie26> ill prove how lil u know
[17:28] Garbageman> makes his confidence go up
[17:29] MrSmokin_hottie26> i gain no confidence whooping sum no namer up
[17:29] Garbageman> he forget to make fws 8 mins in game if hes not playing a warrior
[17:29] MrSmokin_hottie26> honestly shits a waste of my time
[17:29] [GoD]Eric> koopa
[17:29] [GoD]Eric> prove it
[17:29] [GoD]Eric> lets go
[17:29] [GoD]Eric> 1v1
[17:29] MrSmokin_hottie26> i wont make any troops brah 8 mins
[17:30] merciless1> koopa ignoring eric cos he knwo shes gonna get fkin rekt BRAHH
[17:30] MrSmokin_hottie26> i aint warmd up, 1 v 1 me n help me warm up then diego
[17:30] MrSmokin_hottie26> u want me to 1 v 1 him so bad
[17:31] MrSmokin_hottie26> if u*
[17:31] MrSmokin_hottie26> ???
[17:31] merciless1> busy with yo momma sry :pepeohyes:
[17:31] MrSmokin_hottie26> ye thought so
[17:32] merciless1> i smashed u last 1v1 anyway so im gud bruv :ezy:
[17:34] [GoD]Intrepid in
[17:35] Dougs out
[17:39] [Rw]Hawk_Tuah out
[17:45] Kick in
[17:46] Kick out
[17:46] Kick in
[17:54] bockwurstlaune in
[18:00] Spyro out
[18:00] Spyro in
[18:00] bockwurstlaune out
[18:02] rc_doom9718 in
[18:02] [D]Jozef> last game w this guy
[18:02] rc_doom9718> hello
[18:02] [GoD]Eric> you guys almost win lol
[18:02] [D]Jozef> hey doom
[18:02] [GoD]Eric> what u mean
[18:02] [AsG]Manl1> ye
[18:02] rc_doom9718 out
[18:02] rc_doom9718 in
[18:02] [D]Jozef> you troll expand every game
[18:02] [D]Jozef> even tho your best player
[18:02] rc_doom9718> lol
[18:02] [D]Jozef> gets old
[18:02] [D]Jozef> cbA
[18:02] rc_doom9718> eric is shaman?
[18:03] rc_doom9718> congrats
[18:03] Power in
[18:03] Power> nice rank eric
[18:03] [GoD]Eric> im not allowed? lol
[18:03] Power> now god has 3 shamans
[18:03] [GoD]Eric> you could expand too
[18:05] power> well ye it feels weird
[18:05] rc_doom9718> lol
[18:05] power> kinda feels like abusing it as if saying i am expanding noobs what u doing there
[18:05] [D]Jozef> you play how you want
[18:05] Power> Hey Bianca
[18:05] [D]Jozef> ill just not play w you lol
[18:05] rc_doom9718> +1
[18:06] Spyro> gods been had 3 shamans power
[18:06] Spyro> just leagues are fucked
[18:06] Spyro> well 4
[18:06] [GoD]Intrepid> hi power
[18:06] Spyro> koopa, bianca, eric, and spinn
[18:06] [GoD]Intrepid> lol lets be real i am no shaman
[18:06] [D]Jozef> hi bian :monkastab:
[18:06] Power> well why would you count plaers that doesnt play anymore
[18:06] [GoD]Intrepid> hi joseph :monkastab:
[18:06] Spyro> who doesnt play poewr
[18:06] Spyro> they all play
[18:06] Power> lol
[18:07] Spyro> all 4 of them
[18:07] Power> koopa is not a shaman
[18:07] Power> at all
[18:07] Spyro> he is
[18:07] [GoD]Intrepid> :o
[18:07] Power> you see him as shaman ?
[18:07] [GoD]Intrepid> he is more shaman than i am
[18:07] Spyro> yes
[18:07] [GoD]Intrepid> can tell you that
[18:07] Spyro> ive seen him as shaman
[18:07] Spyro> when leagues were actually right
[18:07] Power> well it show fw to me
[18:07] Spyro> and correct
[18:07] Spyro> ye cuz leagues are fucked
[18:07] Spyro> and koopa doesnt play that much
[18:07] Spyro> if he did, he definitely would be shaman
[18:07] Power> dude leagues change
[18:07] rc_doom9718> jozef join us
[18:07] rc_doom9718> :)
[18:07] Power> u saying like hw is shaman ccause he was once
[18:07] Power> ok
[18:08] Power> u r right
[18:08] Power> he is no 1
[18:08] Spyro> no
[18:08] [GoD]Intrepid> hw is nr. 1
[18:08] [GoD]Intrepid> :kek:
[18:08] Power> i know B
[18:08] Power> i corrected myself
[18:08] Spyro> hw is not shaman skill now
[18:08] Spyro> koopa is shaman skill
[18:08] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[18:08] Spyro> in my opinoin
[18:08] [D]Jozef> doom
[18:08] [D]Jozef> stay in that game
[18:08] Spyro> guy really knows how to control a game
[18:08] [D]Jozef> better one for you lol
[18:08] Power> doom if u are new player u palying kinda good for a new
[18:08] [D]Jozef> bian playing?
[18:08] Power> i suspect u are fake so
[18:08] Power> trod
[18:08] Spyro> but hes fw because barely playing
[18:09] rc_doom9718> im new player bro
[18:09] Power> better play good
[18:09] rc_doom9718> lol
[18:09] [D]Jozef> i dont think he is fake
[18:09] Power> this time
[18:09] [D]Jozef> i played first games with him power
[18:09] Kick> hey i am the new player, how do you make a braves
[18:09] [GoD]Intrepid> ill spec joseph :good:
[18:09] Power> joking lol
[18:09] [GoD]Intrepid> ye kick lmao
[18:09] Spyro> lol kick
[18:09] [GoD]Intrepid> troll your mom
[18:09] Spyro> You are old DT clan member
[18:09] [D]Jozef> what map
[18:09] Spyro> stop trolling xD
[18:09] Kick> what is a clan im new
[18:09] Spyro> sess warm up
[18:09] Power> kick played preacher level
[18:09] Spyro> josef
[18:09] Spyro> first match of day
[18:09] Spyro> random?
[18:09] Spyro> or you and power
[18:09] [GoD]Intrepid> what is random
[18:09] Spyro> idm teams
[18:10] Spyro> or me and power
[18:10] Spyro> i havent allied power in long time
[18:10] rc_doom9718> i cant be host
[18:10] merciless1> :gabber:
[18:10] [GoD]Intrepid> :poop: :gun:
[18:10] [D]Jozef> bian
[18:10] [GoD]Intrepid> ye?
[18:11] [D]Jozef> i just sent you pic
[18:11] [D]Jozef> diego makin moves on kpa
[18:11] [GoD]Intrepid> lmfaooooo
[18:11] [GoD]Intrepid> wow sho
[18:11] [GoD]Intrepid> i always knew there is smth
[18:11] Spyro> Could also do 6p
[18:11] [D]Jozef> eric can have my spot
[18:11] [GoD]Intrepid> between you and koopa
[18:11] [GoD]Intrepid> :kek:
[18:11] merciless1> we both know i meant his mom gg :ezy:
[18:11] Spyro> oh waiit power doenst play 6p
[18:11] Spyro> nvm
[18:11] [GoD]Intrepid> xd
[18:11] Power> joseph
[18:11] Spyro> kick you want in as well?
[18:11] Power> where didi you
[18:12] rc_doom9718> yes
[18:12] Power> i dont ye
[18:12] Spyro> ok ill ally doom
[18:12] [D]Jozef> pic?
[18:12] Spyro> 2v2
[18:12] Power> i will stick my 1v1s
[18:12] Spyro> come back power
[18:12] Spyro> 2v2, not 3v3
[18:12] Spyro> sorry i forgot
[18:12] Power> dude
[18:12] Power> go and paly with them
[18:12] Spyro> nice kick is here
[18:12] Power> more ballanced
[18:13] Power> kick is fake
[18:13] Power> anyway
[18:13] Spyro> hes not fake
[18:13] rc_doom9718> lol
[18:13] Power> lets go
[18:13] Spyro> hes just old player
[18:13] [GoD]Intrepid> he is old player
[18:13] Power> ye he is no 1
[18:13] Spyro> hasnt logged in long time
[18:13] Power> forgot
[18:13] [GoD]Intrepid> lmao
[18:13] Spyro> thats his original account
[18:13] Spyro> what mean fake
[18:13] Kick> i ujst aint played properly since like 2012
[18:13] [GoD]Intrepid> remember when that one dude came back saying he was fw back then
[18:13] Spyro> Yea, hes still using his original account from years ago
[18:13] Power> fake means he is not the rank that mm shows
[18:13] [GoD]Intrepid> and couldnt do shit in game
[18:13] Kick> my last game before 2024 was some rando map with salty
[18:13] [GoD]Intrepid> :topkek:
[18:13] Power> i remember that b
[18:13] Spyro> yea he hasnt played enough games to get a rank yet power
[18:13] Power> cause he was abusing his borther
[18:14] Spyro> he will soon though
[18:14] Power> or friend
[18:14] [GoD]Intrepid> lmao
[18:14] [GoD]Intrepid> forgot his name
[18:14] rc_doom9718> gogogo
[18:14] Power> only playing wiht hin
[18:14] [GoD]Intrepid> but guy was pissing me off lol
[18:14] Power> me too
[18:14] Power> remember javanishvaranboon
[18:14] Spyro> should i stream
[18:14] Power> or something like that
[18:14] [GoD]Intrepid> lool
[18:14] Power> the puse annoyment
[18:14] Power> pure*
[18:14] cyborg out
[18:14] [GoD]Intrepid> idk spyro maybe not if you are host
[18:14] cyborg in
[18:15] MrSmokin_hottie26> +6 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[18:18] MrSmokin_hottie26> i get kik mixed up with dave_dt n kidd
[18:19] MrSmokin_hottie26> they could all be the same person for all ik
[18:19] MrSmokin_hottie26> kik was hugz's homie
[18:19] MrSmokin_hottie26> if any of u true ogs knows that name
[18:20] MrSmokin_hottie26> no ogs except me
[18:21] MrSmokin_hottie26> im the last of my ppl
[18:21] MrSmokin_hottie26> :peepounicorn:
[18:23] [D]Jozef> where jops and ninety
[18:24] [GoD]Eric> koopa
[18:24] [GoD]Eric> wanna 1v1
[18:24] [GoD]Eric> ?
[18:24] MrSmokin_hottie26> nah im w8ing for +6
[18:24] MrSmokin_hottie26> +7
[18:24] [GoD]Eric> lets go
[18:24] MrSmokin_hottie26> +7 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[18:24] [GoD]Eric> i swear i wont troll
[18:24] [GoD]Eric> let me ally the noob
[18:24] [GoD]Eric> to make it fair
[18:24] [Rw]Raver> whos the noob
[18:24] [GoD]Eric> or let koopa in
[18:24] [D]Jozef> ill let kpa in
[18:24] [GoD]Eric> lol
[18:25] MrSmokin_hottie26> i aint moving nowhere
[18:25] [D]Jozef> you promised not to troll last game :mad:
[18:25] MrSmokin_hottie26> u youngins move for me
[18:25] [D]Jozef> i think im just mad
[18:25] [D]Jozef> because i cant counter Eric
[18:26] [D]Jozef> even tho Manu thought we were
[18:26] Garbageman out
[18:26] [AsG]Manl1> i think it woulda not been impossible to get the game
[18:26] [GoD]Eric> dam koopa scared for 1v1
[18:26] [GoD]Eric> and jozef
[18:26] [GoD]Eric> let me in man
[18:26] [GoD]Eric> im not trolling
[18:26] [D]Jozef> you need a pro to offset you
[18:26] [GoD]Eric> and last game u were winning
[18:26] [D]Jozef> to keep you in control from getting 500 pop
[18:26] [GoD]Eric> if u dint sended all ur pop in my base
[18:27] [GoD]Eric> u would won green was done
[18:27] [D]Jozef> thats what manu said
[18:27] [AsG]Manl1> i said the same
[18:27] [D]Jozef> no way youre both right and im wrong
[18:27] [D]Jozef> thats for damn sure
[18:27] [GoD]Eric> jozef
[18:27] [GoD]Eric> if u just attacked my front
[18:27] [GoD]Eric> u would won
[18:27] [GoD]Eric> all u needed was
[18:27] [GoD]Eric> set ur pop to red base
[18:27] [D]Jozef> this is what was supposed to happen
[18:27] [GoD]Eric> was going to be a gg
[18:27] [AsG]Manl1> yeah
[18:28] [D]Jozef> my whole pop kill all yours then we win
[18:28] [D]Jozef> simple
[18:28] [D]Jozef> but nooooo
[18:28] [AsG]Manl1> :D
[18:28] [D]Jozef> BUT NOOOOO
[18:28] [AsG]Manl1> how could that work out
[18:28] [AsG]Manl1> when eric has 15 towers at front
[18:28] [GoD]Eric> u just needed to attack
[18:28] [AsG]Manl1> and double of your pop
[18:28] [GoD]Eric> green was dead
[18:28] [GoD]Eric> thats why i bd
[18:28] [AsG]Manl1> and his base was too large for 1 attack to be enough
[18:28] MrSmokin_hottie26> manl1 leave hut
[18:28] MrSmokin_hottie26> i wanna play
[18:28] [D]Jozef> ok we can agree then
[18:28] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[18:28] [D]Jozef> bad move on Erics part
[18:28] [AsG]Manl1> in this rare case we don't think the same koopa
[18:28] [AsG]Manl1> sorry to disappoint you honey
[18:29] [AsG]Manl1> xoxo
[18:29] [D]Jozef> go kpa
[18:29] [GoD]Intrepid> xd
[18:29] [D]Jozef> you host
[18:29] MrSmokin_hottie26> ullll beee sorryyyy
[18:29] MrSmokin_hottie26> im just fhking around
[18:29] MrSmokin_hottie26> im eating
[18:29] [GoD]Eric> join koopa
[18:29] [D]Jozef> eric got me :mad:
[18:29] [GoD]Eric> host
[18:29] [Rw]Raver> a n g e r e y
[18:29] [D]Jozef> he said one min
[18:29] [D]Jozef> he will join
[18:29] [D]Jozef> sho playing with his booty hole
[18:29] [GoD]Eric> man kooopa
[18:29] [GoD]Eric> 2v2
[18:30] MrSmokin_hottie26> lmaooo
[18:30] [GoD]Eric> do pp?
[18:30] MrSmokin_hottie26> pp?
[18:30] MrSmokin_hottie26> depends on wut the spectators wanna watch
[18:30] [GoD]Eric> and can someone else host
[18:30] [GoD]Eric> ?
[18:30] MrSmokin_hottie26> joseph bianka
[18:30] MrSmokin_hottie26> wtf u guys wanna watch?
[18:30] [GoD]Intrepid> lmao
[18:30] MrSmokin_hottie26> wut map
[18:30] [D]Jozef> ill watch any
[18:30] [GoD]Eric> can bianca host it?
[18:31] [D]Jozef> i am sorry manu
[18:31] [GoD]Eric> we all will lag
[18:31] [D]Jozef> we lost that game
[18:31] MrSmokin_hottie26> nah she gives me 150 ping
[18:31] MrSmokin_hottie26> shits unplayable almost
[18:31] [GoD]Eric> can i host?
[18:31] [D]Jozef> due to circumstances beyond my control
[18:31] [GoD]Eric> look my ping is 150
[18:31] [Rw]Raver> are u asking us
[18:31] MrSmokin_hottie26> nah its my host or im eating my hot food
[18:31] [D]Jozef> what food
[18:31] MrSmokin_hottie26> u choice :monkafun:
[18:31] [D]Jozef> is it pizzA?
[18:31] MrSmokin_hottie26> god dam
[18:31] MrSmokin_hottie26> :monkagun:
[18:31] MrSmokin_hottie26> ur*
[18:31] MrSmokin_hottie26> god dam
[18:31] [D]Jozef> :MONKAMEGA:
[18:31] [GoD]Intrepid> fun :kek:
[18:31] MrSmokin_hottie26> im fhking up
[18:32] MrSmokin_hottie26> uhhh
[18:32] MrSmokin_hottie26> beef chow mein?
[18:32] [GoD]Eric> koopa
[18:32] [GoD]Eric> let raver host
[18:32] MrSmokin_hottie26> said was family sized portion
[18:32] [Rw]Raver> idk if itll be decent
[18:32] [D]Jozef> oh i like chinese food
[18:32] MrSmokin_hottie26> but theres only enuff for me
[18:32] [Rw]Raver> its evening now others use the net
[18:32] MrSmokin_hottie26> :monkahmm:
[18:32] [Rw]Raver> nd its wifi
[18:32] [D]Jozef> but its makes me bloated and tired
[18:32] [GoD]Eric> let manl host
[18:32] [GoD]Eric> ?
[18:32] [GoD]Eric> or jozef
[18:32] [GoD]Eric> ?
[18:33] [D]Jozef> I aint doin nuthin for you eric
[18:33] MrSmokin_hottie26> hmmm fhk it only need to go 60% to pwn eric
[18:33] [GoD]Eric> manl host it
[18:33] MrSmokin_hottie26> my host or josephs
[18:33] [GoD]Eric> lol
[18:33] MrSmokin_hottie26> or i aint playin
[18:33] [GoD]Eric> jozef
[18:33] [D]Jozef> I can host
[18:33] [GoD]Eric> host pls
[18:33] [D]Jozef> if eric leaves
[18:33] [GoD]Intrepid> :topkek:
[18:33] [D]Jozef> wat map
[18:33] [GoD]Intrepid> lemme in :plead:
[18:33] [GoD]Eric> sess?
[18:33] [GoD]Intrepid> to spec
[18:34] MrSmokin_hottie26> dont let bianka in
[18:34] MrSmokin_hottie26> or im leavin
[18:34] [GoD]Intrepid> ty :pepelove:
[18:34] [GoD]Intrepid> stfu lol
[18:34] [D]Jozef> lmaooo
[18:34] [Rw]Raver> lol
[18:34] MrSmokin_hottie26> :peped:
[18:34] [D]Jozef> sess?
[18:34] [GoD]Eric> ye sess
[18:34] [Rw]Raver> yea alright
[18:34] [GoD]Eric> me and raver or manl
[18:34] MrSmokin_hottie26> only cus i feel bad for turkey pouncing on yalls
[18:34] MrSmokin_hottie26> :turkey:
[18:34] [GoD]Intrepid> koopa and manl dreamteam <3
[18:34] [D]Jozef> manu n kpa?
[18:34] [GoD]Intrepid> lol koopa
[18:35] Kick> g g
[18:35] Power> ohh tehn laucnhed
[18:35] rc_doom9718> that was fun
[18:35] Power> gg wp
[18:35] cyborg> https://pcpartpicker.com/list/#compatibility_notes
[18:36] cyborg> like this one?
[18:36] cyborg> im building pc
[18:37] Spyro> gg
[18:37] Garbageman in
[18:38] Power> ohh its 2v2
[18:40] Spyro> is bianca streaming?
[18:40] Power> ye
[18:40] rc_doom9718> where?
[18:40] Power> https://www.twitch.tv/poptb_blitzchen
[18:40] rc_doom9718 out
[18:42] rc_doom9718 in
[18:42] Power> https://www.twitch.tv/poptb_blitzchen here
[18:42] Spyro> oh shes just spectating
[18:43] Power> specing
[18:43] Spyro> i think
[18:43] rc_doom9718> yes
[18:44] Spyro> i thought joseph was spectating
[18:44] cyborg> sec
[18:44] Power> he is
[18:44] Power> its 2v2
[18:44] Spyro> oh wait, they are both spectating
[18:45] Spyro> so what are teams lol
[18:45] cyborg> auto
[18:45] cyborg> ally
[18:45] Power> koopa manl1
[18:45] Power> eric raver
[18:45] Spyro> ah koopa just showed
[18:46] Power> start was soo godd
[18:46] Power> they both charged lights
[18:46] Power> and still lost mid
[18:46] TheRedPanda98 in
[18:46] Spyro> Loooooooooooool
[18:47] cyborg> move doom
[18:47] cyborg> get ping
[18:48] [AvA]JJaydenn in
[18:49] rc_doom9718 out
[18:51] Kick out
[18:51] Kick in
[18:51] Kick out
[18:51] Kick in
[18:51] [AvA]JJaydenn out
[18:52] [AvA]JJaydenn in
[18:53] Kick> ye ok
[18:53] Power> what a troll as boring games
[18:53] Power> game*
[18:53] MrSmokin_hottie26> cba allying ass palyers on noob maps
[18:54] [Rw]Raver> what a prick lol
[18:54] [GoD]Eric> lmao
[18:54] [D]Jozef> hi power
[18:54] [GoD]Eric> why did he do that
[18:54] Power> hello Joseph
[18:54] [GoD]Eric> lololol
[18:54] MrSmokin_hottie26> like i give a fhk :shrug:
[18:54] [D]Jozef> i asked what map
[18:54] MrSmokin_hottie26> cause manl1 fhking sucks thats y
[18:54] Power> reloging
[18:54] [GoD]Eric> i czn ally manl koopa wanna rm?
[18:54] [Rw]Raver> what a salty potato
[18:54] Power out
[18:54] MrSmokin_hottie26> i aint doing sess again
[18:54] [GoD]Eric> sure
[18:54] [GoD]Eric> pp
[18:54] [GoD]Eric> ?
[18:54] MrSmokin_hottie26> boring ass fhking map
[18:54] [AsG]Manl1> aint playing with kooper
[18:54] [AvA]JJaydenn> ur shit any map koopa
[18:54] Power in
[18:55] [D]Jozef> JJay
[18:55] [D]Jozef> good to see you
[18:55] Garbageman> classic koopa blame ally every game
[18:55] [AvA]JJaydenn> umm maybe eric host
[18:55] MrSmokin_hottie26> manl1 is shit thats a known fact
[18:55] MrSmokin_hottie26> since way bak
[18:55] Nici in
[18:55] Power> sup Nici
[18:55] MrSmokin_hottie26> 2 shammy kills niceee 1 was from fws
[18:56] MrSmokin_hottie26> guy goes lites too
[18:56] [D]Jozef> :howdy: Nici
[18:56] [AsG]Manl1> at least i had fws
[18:56] MrSmokin_hottie26> wut a useless pos
[18:56] [AsG]Manl1> :D
[18:56] [GoD]Eric> map
[18:56] [Rw]Raver> dont listen to him manu hes just projecting his own self criticisms onto u :>
[18:56] [GoD]Eric> teams?
[18:56] Power> any
[18:56] [D]Jozef> eric and manu
[18:56] Dendix_9 in
[18:56] [GoD]Eric> jozef can u host again cant ping manu
[18:56] [Rw]FreeMatt in
[18:57] [D]Jozef> ye sure
[18:57] MrSmokin_hottie26> nice insite now go take a lsd tablet u degenerate
[18:57] Power> lol ty joseph
[18:57] [D]Jozef> ill just be a host bitch all day
[18:57] [D]Jozef> wat map
[18:57] [Rw]Raver> i dont take drugs :>
[18:57] Power> damm
[18:57] Power> Big hw is here
[18:57] [D]Jozef> hi hw
[18:57] [Rw]FreeMatt> 6p
[18:57] [AvA]JJaydenn> dude pp
[18:57] [Rw]FreeMatt> hi
[18:57] Garbageman> koop and hw are same account
[18:57] [GoD]Intrepid> big hw is here
[18:57] [D]Jozef> eric dont like 6p
[18:57] Power> wanna do pp?
[18:57] [GoD]Eric> koopa wanna 1v1 brah?
[18:57] [AvA]JJaydenn> me n power
[18:57] [AsG]Manl1> ya
[18:57] [AsG]Manl1> love pp
[18:57] [Rw]FreeMatt> joe hw and jj vs rest
[18:57] [Rw]FreeMatt> eric u dont want no smoke bro
[18:57] [Rw]FreeMatt> u doo doo
[18:57] [D]Jozef> its tvb?
[18:58] [D]Jozef> on pp
[18:58] [AsG]Manl1> ya
[18:58] Dendix_9 out
[18:58] [D]Jozef> power 1k ping
[18:58] [D]Jozef> why
[18:58] Power> i see 230
[18:58] [D]Jozef> i see 1000
[18:58] [D]Jozef> lol
[18:58] [GoD]FreeInca> lol
[18:58] Power> fake
[18:58] [AvA]JJaydenn> :nice:
[18:58] Power> its 230
[18:58] Power> ish
[18:59] [Rw]Raver> playing with higher ranked players is a negative experience 9 out of 10 times
[18:59] [GoD]Eric> hw ur a standard old rusty exhaust
[18:59] [Rw]Raver> they always get mad
[18:59] [AvA]Toruk_Makto in
[18:59] [D]Jozef> depends raver
[18:59] [Rw]Raver> and whine
[18:59] [GoD]Intrepid> i dont raver ;(
[18:59] [GoD]Intrepid> but dont count me as high :kek:
[18:59] [Rw]Raver> no ur a good egg
[18:59] [Rw]Raver> :>
[18:59] [D]Jozef> ye dont say that to bian :monkastab:
[18:59] [GoD]Intrepid> lool
[18:59] MrSmokin_hottie26> suk penis raver no one gives a fhk brah
[18:59] [GoD]Intrepid> lmao
[18:59] [Rw]Raver> this guy goin on mute now
[18:59] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Hi Joseph, happy Independence Day
[19:00] [Rw]Raver> he gone
[19:00] MrSmokin_hottie26> big lossssss
[19:00] [GoD]Intrepid> ohhhhhhh
[19:00] [Rw]Raver> it feels more peaceful already
[19:00] [GoD]Intrepid> happy independence day to you guys <3
[19:00] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Thanks B! <3
[19:00] [D]Jozef> Thanks bian
[19:00] [D]Jozef> Happy Independence day Ian
[19:00] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> how are you celebrating? bbq?
[19:01] [D]Jozef> I am celebrating by hosting pop games
[19:01] [Rw]Raver> :O
[19:01] Nici> sup
[19:01] Nici> fuglies
[19:01] [D]Jozef> rude :mad:
[19:01] [Rw]Raver> hold up
[19:01] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> ah, nice
[19:01] [Rw]Raver> im ugly
[19:01] [Rw]Raver> but fugly
[19:01] [Rw]Raver> thats too far
[19:01] [D]Jozef> fruity n ugly
[19:01] [Rw]Raver> frooty :cooldoge:
[19:02] Nici> wtf KicK is on
[19:02] [Rw]Raver> yea he has returned
[19:02] Nici> popped up randomly?
[19:02] [D]Jozef> how you celebrate ian
[19:02] [Rw]Raver> yesterday yea
[19:02] [D]Jozef> taking loads?
[19:02] Nici> damn, nice
[19:03] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I ran a 5k race this morning down in Plymouth, then watched the parade
[19:03] [Rw]Raver> how fast did u do it
[19:03] Nici> plymouth usa or plymouth uk
[19:03] Spyro> what was ur time
[19:03] Spyro> my fastest
[19:03] [D]Jozef> you ran
[19:03] [D]Jozef> good for you
[19:03] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> 34:04
[19:03] Spyro> was 17:41
[19:03] Spyro> for 5k
[19:03] [D]Jozef> that sounds awful
[19:03] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Plymouth USA, Nici
[19:03] Spyro> 3.1 miles
[19:03] [Rw]Raver> 17:41 is crazy good
[19:03] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> thanks Joseph
[19:03] Spyro> yea i went all conference that year
[19:03] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Was fun :)
[19:03] [D]Jozef> i wish i could run
[19:04] IncaWarrior> dang I just ran the dishwasher
[19:04] [Rw]Raver> u can
[19:04] Spyro> i placed 19th/ out of about 1000
[19:04] Spyro> runners
[19:04] [Rw]Raver> believe in urself :plead:
[19:04] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> how fast did it go, Inca? Did it win?
[19:04] [D]Jozef> spyro if you go on all watermelon diet
[19:04] IncaWarrior> longer than your 5k
[19:04] [D]Jozef> you can be 1st of 1000
[19:04] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> lol
[19:04] [Rw]Raver> m e l o n p o w e r
[19:04] [Rw]Raver> :cooldoge:
[19:04] [D]Jozef> just align your chakras
[19:04] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Joseph, you're in better shape than I am, you'd probably beat me. :kekw:
[19:04] Spyro> i love watermelon
[19:04] [D]Jozef> and breathe carefully
[19:04] Spyro> literally
[19:05] Spyro> i could eat a whole one right now
[19:05] Spyro> by myself
[19:05] TheRedPanda98 out
[19:05] [Rw]Raver> same
[19:05] [GoD]Intrepid> ye its good
[19:05] [Rw]Raver> when u get a good one
[19:05] [Rw]Raver> its like
[19:05] [D]Jozef> I am false advertising
[19:05] [Rw]Raver> the greatest
[19:05] [D]Jozef> with being in shape
[19:05] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[19:05] Spyro> and when its cold
[19:05] Spyro> omg
[19:05] Spyro> even better
[19:05] Spyro> with no seeds
[19:05] MrSmokin_hottie26> ys it gotta be a watermelon joseph :monkahmm:
[19:05] Spyro> omfg
[19:05] [Rw]Raver> nah gotta get seeded
[19:05] Spyro> nah fuck seeded
[19:05] [Rw]Raver> seedless watermelon is heavily genetically engineered
[19:05] [Rw]Raver> its impotent
[19:05] Spyro> just annoying at times lol
[19:06] [D]Jozef> stfu kpa :kekw:
[19:06] MrSmokin_hottie26> fhking on to u bud
[19:06] [D]Jozef> i was saying watermelon because Raver swears by it
[19:06] [Rw]Raver> everything in nature can reproduce itself
[19:06] [Rw]Raver> so seedless fruit is outside of nature
[19:06] [Rw]Raver> its man made
[19:06] [Rw]Raver> and therefore incompatible
[19:06] [Rw]Raver> so it fucks with your vibration
[19:06] MrSmokin_hottie26> ye guy uses it as a supository
[19:06] [Rw]Raver> if u care about that
[19:06] [Rw]Raver> at all
[19:06] MrSmokin_hottie26> god dam hippie
[19:06] [Rw]Raver> :>
[19:06] [D]Jozef> looool
[19:08] Invisible in
[19:09] IncaWarrior> Raver: all our food is bread for certain attributes
[19:09] [Rw]Raver> elaborate
[19:09] [Rw]Raver> i mean if u want
[19:09] [Rw]Raver> that sounded demandful
[19:09] [D]Jozef> selective breeding
[19:09] [D]Jozef> can get rid of seeds naturally
[19:09] [Rw]Raver> oh bred
[19:09] [Rw]Raver> not bread like loaf of bread
[19:09] IncaWarrior> yeah
[19:10] [Rw]Raver> yeah most fruit plants these days are cultivars
[19:10] [Rw]Raver> which are like hybridised
[19:10] [Rw]Raver> the problem is they use starch to do so
[19:10] [D]Jozef> thats ok
[19:10] [Rw]Raver> and then the fruits produced are starchy
[19:10] [D]Jozef> science just speeds up nature
[19:10] [Rw]Raver> starch is a stiffening agent thats used to make glues and plastics
[19:10] [D]Jozef> and allows us to use it to our benefit
[19:10] [Rw]Raver> and its bad for the body
[19:10] [Rw]Raver> it gets stuck and creates excess mucus
[19:11] [Rw]Raver> and slowly accumulates over time
[19:11] [Rw]Raver> and thats why people degenerate as they age
[19:11] IncaWarrior> "glues and plastics"
[19:11] [Rw]Raver> yea u can make glues and plastics from starch
[19:11] [D]Jozef> Raver man
[19:11] [Rw]Raver> its very gluey and sticky
[19:11] [D]Jozef> you kill me
[19:11] [D]Jozef> :dead:
[19:11] [Rw]Raver> im just explaining up to u what u do with
[19:11] [Rw]Raver> it
[19:11] IncaWarrior> that's like saying water is a an agent used for thinning fertilizer
[19:11] [D]Jozef> you just said people age because starch
[19:11] [D]Jozef> lol
[19:11] [Rw]Raver> yeah
[19:11] [Rw]Raver> not just starch
[19:12] [Rw]Raver> but inorganic minerals
[19:12] [Rw]Raver> and other toxins
[19:12] [D]Jozef> :monkahmm:
[19:12] IncaWarrior> just because something is an ingredient in something you don't eat, doesn't make it bad for you
[19:12] [Rw]Raver> thats not how i think at all
[19:12] [GoD]Intrepid> dw the world got plastic surgery for it
[19:12] [Rw]Raver> i eat starches from time to time
[19:12] [D]Jozef> jjay getting clapped by eric
[19:12] [Rw]Raver> ive been heavily dedicated to learning this stuff for years now and have done numerous experiments on my own body
[19:13] [Rw]Raver> ive lived for 300+ days on nothing but fresh juices and cleaned the inside of my body and then tested various foods
[19:13] [Rw]Raver> over and over
[19:13] IncaWarrior> that sounds super unhealthy
[19:13] [GoD]Intrepid> i wouldnt have the patience for this :kek:
[19:13] [Rw]Raver> science :D
[19:13] [Rw]Raver> regardless of how it sounds. just saying
[19:14] IncaWarrior> wouldn't your body start to lose the ability to process stuff like starch if you "cleaned the inside"?
[19:14] [Rw]Raver> yes to an extent u decondition yourself from certain things
[19:14] [Rw]Raver> like how when u stop smoking cigarettes and then go back to it
[19:14] [Rw]Raver> its painful again
[19:14] [Rw]Raver> but
[19:14] [Rw]Raver> u can smoke 20 a day if ur adapted to it
[19:14] [Rw]Raver> its same with starches
[19:14] [Rw]Raver> and other such foods
[19:14] [GoD]Intrepid> [GoD]Intrepid + [AvA]Toruk_Makto vs. Invisible + MrSmokin_hottie26
[19:14] [Rw]Raver> so u get really sensitive
[19:14] [GoD]Intrepid> map?
[19:15] [Rw]Raver> and then it becomes obvious
[19:15] Kick> gg
[19:15] [D]Jozef> Well i love starch
[19:15] Invisible> ice raider?
[19:15] [Rw]Raver> we all love starch :>
[19:15] [D]Jozef> Hi brandy
[19:15] [Rw]Raver> p o t a t o
[19:15] Invisible> hi joseph :)
[19:16] MrSmokin_hottie26> tell hugz to come bak kik
[19:16] [GoD]Intrepid> brb
[19:16] O-Ren_TSI in
[19:18] [Rw]Ninety> Terror stop trying to get people to join ur watermelon cult
[19:18] [Rw]Raver> its only £19.99 per month :(
[19:21] [D]Jozef> Ty alan
[19:21] [D]Jozef> I almost gave up starch for a sec
[19:21] [GoD]Eric> u dint saw my warning?
[19:22] [AsG]Manl1> no i didnt see a warning :/
[19:22] [GoD]Eric> warned u 6 times of jj
[19:22] Power> u guys didnt allied
[19:22] Power> erics wars attacked yells
[19:22] Power> huts
[19:22] [GoD]Eric> wtf
[19:22] [AsG]Manl1> i was allied to eric
[19:22] Power> idk
[19:22] [GoD]Eric> why do u tell me now
[19:22] [D]Jozef> lol
[19:22] [AsG]Manl1> eric wasnt allied to me it seems
[19:22] Power> i saw them clearing your side
[19:22] [AsG]Manl1> :/
[19:22] [GoD]Eric> couldnt u tell me in the game
[19:22] [Rw]Raver> manu gettin rekt by his own teammates today
[19:22] [D]Jozef> lmaoooo
[19:22] [D]Jozef> poor manu
[19:22] [AsG]Manl1> that explains a lot about my pop growth
[19:22] [AsG]Manl1> rofl
[19:23] [GoD]Eric> but why dont u tell me
[19:23] [AsG]Manl1> i thought your warriors were clearing something
[19:23] [Rw]FreeMatt> eric and manu vs me and anyone
[19:23] Power> or maybe eric send them to clear our warriors
[19:23] [GoD]Eric> sure hw
[19:23] Power> but they woulnt atack right
[19:23] Power> if allied
[19:23] [AsG]Manl1> but i didnt receive warnings
[19:23] [AsG]Manl1> or any commuication of eric all game
[19:23] [D]Jozef> ima go take a quick nap :>
[19:23] [AsG]Manl1> so might be well the case he didnt ally :D
[19:24] [AvA]Soma- in
[19:24] Power> bye jsoeph
[19:26] Svarog in
[19:26] Power out
[19:29] [GoD]Eric> hw i can ally kick
[19:29] [GoD]Eric> lets go
[19:29] [GoD]Eric> sess
[19:29] [Rw]FreeMatt> this isnt khickman
[19:29] [Rw]FreeMatt> who is kick
[19:29] [GoD]Eric> a noob
[19:29] [Rw]FreeMatt> eric ping
[19:30] [Rw]FreeMatt> 17 year noob?
[19:30] [GoD]Eric> yes
[19:30] themrspysir in
[19:30] [GoD]Eric out
[19:30] [GoD]Eric in
[19:33] christo0972 in
[19:39] power> kicm is old player
[19:39] power> he plays like precher war rank rn
[19:42] merciless1 in
[19:44] [SW]Zgjims> Any fast game here ?
[19:46] [SW]Zgjims> join
[19:46] Minibot_UK> [SW]Zgjims: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[19:46] [SW]Zgjims> walls
[19:46] Minibot_UK> [SW]Zgjims: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[19:46] [GoD]Intrepid> gg
[19:46] Invisible> lmao the kill at the end
[19:46] Invisible> gg
[19:46] [GoD]Intrepid> the pond?
[19:46] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Sorry B, my fault. I didn't build side defense
[19:46] MrSmokin_hottie26> :ezy:
[19:46] [SW]Zgjims> Eyyy spyrrro
[19:46] [SW]Zgjims> now i can play one game
[19:47] [SW]Zgjims> leave
[19:47] Minibot_UK> [SW]Zgjims: This is a 1v1 host bot located in London, UK which anyone can use. First send me a message saying 'host'. When you are in my hut, you can send me 'start', 'pp', 'cr', 'fo', 'rank', 'unrank', 'maps', '<color name>'. There is much less lag than when the players host themselves. This is especially useful with players from different locations (use the bot which gives both players the lowest ping). Thanks to Taity-Mini for the server.
[19:47] [GoD]Intrepid> i didnt have either :kek:
[19:47] [SW]Zgjims> reset
[19:47] Invisible> no one did lol
[19:47] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> fast game? That's a joke right?
[19:47] power> like a 1v1 toruk
[19:48] [SW]Zgjims> Power come man
[19:48] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> a 1v1 vs me would be a fast game, yes
[19:48] [SW]Zgjims> +2
[19:48] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[19:48] power> eating 4 celcius degree watermelon
[19:48] [SW]Zgjims> https://discord.gg/UQ6r3Dxz
[19:48] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> So Bianca, about that rematch on 4way......
[19:48] [GoD]Intrepid> lol can do
[19:49] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> okay, host it
[19:49] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> or Koop
[19:49] [SW]Zgjims> Yoo Bianca
[19:49] [GoD]Intrepid> hi jimmy :)
[19:49] [SW]Zgjims> how are you
[19:49] [GoD]Intrepid> good thanks and you?
[19:49] MrSmokin_hottie26> r we doiung rm??
[19:49] [GoD]Intrepid> yes
[19:49] MrSmokin_hottie26> get brandi n i think about it
[19:50] [SW]Zgjims> Fine thanks
[19:50] Invisible> MrSmokin_hottie26> get brandi n i think about it
[19:50] Invisible> what an honor -.-
[19:50] [GoD]Intrepid> joinnnnnnnnnnn
[19:50] MrSmokin_hottie26> k me n toruk this time?
[19:50] [GoD]Intrepid> ossur
[19:50] MrSmokin_hottie26> :0
[19:51] [GoD]Intrepid> its koopas spot
[19:51] MrSmokin_hottie26> llmaoo
[19:51] [GoD]Intrepid> we rm
[19:51] MrSmokin_hottie26> who let ossur out the basement
[19:51] MrSmokin_hottie26> me n toruk
[19:51] MrSmokin_hottie26> gogogo
[19:51] TheRedPanda98 in
[19:51] MrSmokin_hottie26> or im outtttttta here
[19:51] [GoD]Intrepid> hm k
[19:52] MrSmokin_hottie26> shove a grapefuit up my ass cause raver said so
[19:52] MrSmokin_hottie26> fhking freak
[19:52] [GoD]Intrepid> lmfao
[19:52] merciless1> lollll gay
[19:52] [GoD]Intrepid> you
[19:52] [GoD]Intrepid> otta talk
[19:52] [GoD]Intrepid> lmao
[19:52] MrSmokin_hottie26> wut ra ver said bro
[19:53] merciless1> nah bianca i came back to check mm n first thing i see is koopa shoving a grapefruit up his ass i mean tf
[19:53] merciless1> :owut:
[19:53] [Rw]Jops in
[19:54] Garbageman out
[19:55] [GoD]Intrepid> koopaaaa
[19:55] MrSmokin_hottie26> oh wtf
[19:55] [GoD]Intrepid> tf
[19:55] MrSmokin_hottie26> nahhh
[19:55] MrSmokin_hottie26> nooooooooooooo
[19:55] Invisible> ???
[19:55] MrSmokin_hottie26> toruk
[19:56] MrSmokin_hottie26> kept changing
[19:56] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Koopa if you're gonna bhave like children, I won't play with you
[19:56] MrSmokin_hottie26> im nnocent
[19:56] merciless1> tf were u sayin u faggits
[19:56] MrSmokin_hottie26> noooo dood u changed
[19:56] [GoD]Intrepid> lmao sho
[19:56] merciless1> i only read the "right sho?"
[19:56] [GoD]Intrepid> come back both
[19:56] merciless1> 0000000000000000
[19:56] [GoD]Intrepid> too bad sho :p
[19:56] MrSmokin_hottie26> fine fine
[19:56] MrSmokin_hottie26> i give toruk 1 more chance
[19:56] MrSmokin_hottie26> to quit trolling
[19:56] MrSmokin_hottie26> k toruk brandy in
[19:56] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I don't troll koopa
[19:56] [GoD]Intrepid> you are the troll
[19:56] [GoD]Intrepid> i mean
[19:56] [GoD]Intrepid> koopa
[19:57] MrSmokin_hottie26> :peepoblush:
[19:57] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Koopa, you're as bad as Trod
[19:57] [GoD]Intrepid> lmao
[19:57] MrSmokin_hottie26> i resent that
[19:57] merciless1> and as faggit as weed
[19:57] MrSmokin_hottie26> fine 1 more time join up
[19:57] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> well then, prove me wrong
[19:57] MrSmokin_hottie26> kk i proveit
[19:57] MrSmokin_hottie26> prove it
[19:57] [GoD]Intrepid> if he trolls again
[19:57] MrSmokin_hottie26> sum1 just needs to pm brandi
[19:57] [GoD]Intrepid> ill leave and kick him
[19:57] [GoD]Intrepid> the rest of the evening
[19:57] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> ok
[19:57] [GoD]Intrepid> see koopa you old lame
[19:57] MrSmokin_hottie26> lmaoo too early to misbehave
[19:57] MrSmokin_hottie26> fineeee
[19:57] [GoD]Intrepid> now we lost brandy
[19:58] [GoD]Intrepid> :middle_finger:
[19:58] MrSmokin_hottie26> send pm out
[19:58] MrSmokin_hottie26> toruk
[19:58] merciless1> i ally bianca
[19:58] MrSmokin_hottie26> pm brandi
[19:58] [GoD]Intrepid> lmao
[19:58] merciless1> dw im new
[19:58] [GoD]Intrepid> whats new
[19:58] merciless1> my condom box
[19:58] [GoD]Intrepid> should i do 3v3? idk
[19:58] MrSmokin_hottie26> ye i remember wildy ranker merciless
[19:58] [GoD]Intrepid> lmfao
[19:58] merciless1> use last one on koopa's momma
[19:58] [GoD]Intrepid> ye
[19:58] MrSmokin_hottie26> few months bak
[19:58] merciless1> used*
[19:58] MrSmokin_hottie26> th we doin
[19:58] [GoD]Intrepid> idk?
[19:59] [GoD]Intrepid> you tell me
[19:59] merciless1> 4way
[19:59] MrSmokin_hottie26> if brandi there even?
[19:59] [GoD]Intrepid> [GoD]Intrepid + [AvA]Toruk_Makto vs. MrSmokin_hottie26 + merciless1
[19:59] [GoD]Intrepid> :topkek:
[19:59] merciless1> nah
[19:59] merciless1> me n bianca
[19:59] [Rw]Jops> im down if you do 6
[19:59] MrSmokin_hottie26> fhk it 3 v 3
[19:59] [GoD]Intrepid> brandy said he got no time
[19:59] [GoD]Intrepid> blame yourself koopa
[19:59] merciless1> wait brandy is a he
[19:59] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> want me to step out?
[19:59] [GoD]Intrepid> lmfao sho
[19:59] merciless1> why bradny then
[19:59] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> you guys can have a pro game
[19:59] MrSmokin_hottie26> lmaoo
[19:59] merciless1> omfg
[19:59] [GoD]Intrepid> no toruk
[20:00] [GoD]Intrepid> sho wanna host?
[20:00] merciless1> we're 3 old players
[20:00] merciless1> no way of balancing it
[20:00] merciless1> ok
[20:00] merciless1> 3 good players*
[20:00] merciless1> cept koopa is crap but hey
[20:00] [GoD]Intrepid> hosttt
[20:00] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[20:00] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> damn, I was looking forward to that 4way rematch....
[20:00] Invisible out
[20:00] [GoD]Intrepid> same
[20:00] [GoD]Intrepid> blame koopa
[20:00] merciless1> get ossur n do it
[20:01] merciless1> about same skill as brandy
[20:01] [GoD]Intrepid> [GoD]Intrepid + MrSmokin_hottie26 + [Rw]Jops vs. [AvA]Toruk_Makto + merciless1 + cyborg
[20:01] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[20:02] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> You sure about this, Sho?
[20:02] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> lol
[20:02] [GoD]Intrepid> map and teams?
[20:02] merciless1> i said we cant balance this
[20:02] merciless1> no point
[20:02] [GoD]Intrepid> ye
[20:02] [GoD]Intrepid> :/
[20:02] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> and yet you're still here :kekw:
[20:02] merciless1> my balls too heavy
[20:02] merciless1> :ball:
[20:02] merciless1> :balls:
[20:02] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> if not balanced, just go unranked
[20:02] [GoD]Intrepid> you dont wanna leave koopa i see
[20:02] [GoD]Intrepid> looool
[20:03] merciless1> suddenly, felt super energy to leave even with my heavy balls
[20:03] [GoD]Intrepid> XD
[20:03] merciless1> :kek:
[20:03] [Rw]Jops> what about like ORen/Soma/Spyro
[20:03] Power in
[20:03] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Soma not playing
[20:03] power> sho gets best allies
[20:03] power> oh yes
[20:04] Power> sho 1v1?
[20:04] [AvA]Soma- out
[20:04] [Rw]Jops> does fensalir work now
[20:04] [GoD]Intrepid> yes
[20:04] [GoD]Intrepid> imagine
[20:04] [GoD]Intrepid> they fixed
[20:04] [GoD]Intrepid> :cri:
[20:05] [GoD]Intrepid> [GoD]Intrepid + [AvA]Toruk_Makto + Svarog vs. MrSmokin_hottie26 + [Rw]Jops + cyborg
[20:05] [GoD]Intrepid> :topkek:
[20:05] Power> i cant
[20:05] Power> imagine
[20:05] [Rw]Jops> 6 way?
[20:05] [GoD]Intrepid> sorry but i hate that map from the bottom of my heart
[20:05] [GoD]Intrepid> as much as i like 4way
[20:05] [Rw]Jops> but you like 4way?
[20:05] [GoD]Intrepid> but 6way omg
[20:05] [Rw]Jops> whats the diff
[20:05] [GoD]Intrepid> idk but i hate it lol
[20:06] [GoD]Intrepid> hmmm but k
[20:06] [GoD]Intrepid> if you guys insist
[20:06] [GoD]Intrepid> can do
[20:06] [Rw]Jops> you dont have to
[20:06] [GoD]Intrepid> ?
[20:06] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[20:06] merciless1> lemmi n power in
[20:06] [Rw]Jops> just you know, maybe not walls
[20:06] [GoD]Intrepid> at least would be smth else for a change
[20:06] [GoD]Intrepid> ye
[20:06] [GoD]Intrepid> dw
[20:06] [GoD]Intrepid> sho you not trolling?
[20:06] merciless1> not sure.. :monkahmm: ..
[20:07] [Rw]Jops> if they joined you could balance 8
[20:07] [Rw]Jops> 4 pro and 4 nubs
[20:07] Power> u guys wanna do 8 ways instead?
[20:07] [GoD]Intrepid> omg
[20:07] [Rw]Jops> or 4 pro vs 4 nubs, see if you can set a record for quickest win lol
[20:07] [GoD]Intrepid> noooo!
[20:07] [GoD]Intrepid> ill def not do 8way
[20:07] [GoD]Intrepid> can do push :ohyes:
[20:07] merciless1> bianca be like "noooooo god pls nooo... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-"
[20:08] [GoD]Intrepid> lmao
[20:08] [GoD]Intrepid> dude 8way
[20:08] [GoD]Intrepid> some bases
[20:08] [GoD]Intrepid> got 0 trees
[20:08] [GoD]Intrepid> its stupid
[20:08] [Rw]Jops> no christo
[20:08] [GoD]Intrepid> so
[20:08] [GoD]Intrepid> you join or nah
[20:08] [GoD]Intrepid> ................
[20:08] christo0972> do 3V3
[20:08] christo0972> oh ok
[20:08] merciless1> gtfo chirsto!
[20:08] [GoD]Intrepid> power !!!
[20:08] merciless1> :monkastab:
[20:09] Power> not i guess
[20:09] [Rw]Jops> yeah powah
[20:09] merciless1> gud boeh. :feelssuperhappyman:
[20:09] [Rw]Jops> powahhh
[20:09] [GoD]Intrepid> so you arent playing power?
[20:09] christo0972> seat isnt free ?
[20:09] merciless1> power lend us ur power
[20:09] [Rw]Jops> powah come be a powerbottom
[20:09] merciless1> PoWeR_OvErPoWeReD braaaaaahhhhhhhhh
[20:09] [Rw]Jops> is that where the username power came from
[20:10] [Rw]Jops> got a rep as a powerbottom and thought "that would be good online"
[20:10] [GoD]Intrepid> ok he isnt coming
[20:10] [GoD]Intrepid> sho let us do that 3v3
[20:10] [GoD]Intrepid> cba waiting
[20:10] [Rw]Jops> did we pm him
[20:10] merciless1> sure, kick koopa
[20:10] merciless1> KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKQW
[20:10] Power> man
[20:10] [Rw]Jops> Christo
[20:10] power> man
[20:10] [GoD]Intrepid> you actually know what
[20:10] power> i cant see chat
[20:10] [GoD]Intrepid> fuck that
[20:10] power> wtf is that
[20:10] [Rw]Jops> you can come back
[20:10] [GoD]Intrepid> so annoying
[20:10] [Rw]Jops> power we were waiting for you
[20:10] power> i was waiting you to write something
[20:10] power> and nothing
[20:10] power> lmfo
[20:10] merciless1> who made bianca rage :monkastab:
[20:10] power> then opened discord
[20:11] [Rw]Jops> Bian really?
[20:11] merciless1> WHO! :MONKASTAB:
[20:11] MrSmokin_hottie26> #1 pop hoster will take his riteful spot
[20:11] [GoD]Intrepid> always same shit on here
[20:11] [Rw]Jops> power made her rage, cos he wont play
[20:11] power> me and sho can jo
[20:11] MrSmokin_hottie26> +2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[20:11] power> n
[20:11] [Rw]Jops> nooo bianca
[20:11] [Rw]Jops> come baaack
[20:11] power> i ply
[20:11] [GoD]Intrepid> ye get power and sho
[20:11] [GoD]Intrepid> gl hf
[20:11] power> i pkay
[20:11] MrSmokin_hottie26> bianka in all u gotta do is sit n w8 for game
[20:11] merciless1> lmao and now power agrees
[20:11] merciless1> lololololl
[20:11] MrSmokin_hottie26> talk shit n send pms out
[20:11] Power out
[20:11] [Rw]Jops> power for the love of christ join a hut
[20:11] MrSmokin_hottie26> get in :aaaaa:
[20:11] TheRedPanda98 out
[20:11] Power in
[20:11] [Rw]Jops> but O ren has joined and unbalanced everything again lol
[20:11] power> aggress waht
[20:11] power> since 10 min i was waiting a answer
[20:11] merciless1> we called u 100 times
[20:11] [Rw]Jops> now we need Christo to rebalance
[20:11] power> but mm chat is emty
[20:11] merciless1> and u join when bianca rages
[20:11] power> lmfo
[20:11] [SW]Zgjims out
[20:11] merciless1> lul
[20:12] Power> jsut see now
[20:12] Power> where is Bianca
[20:12] [Rw]Jops> you made her quit
[20:12] [GoD]Intrepid> spectating soon
[20:12] Power> why not palynig?
[20:12] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> :+1: noob
[20:12] [GoD]Intrepid> lost my patience rn
[20:12] Power> dude
[20:12] [GoD]Intrepid> and koopa is to blame with his trolling in setup
[20:12] [GoD]Intrepid> ty
[20:12] Power> i swear
[20:12] Power> someone
[20:12] Power> somehow
[20:12] [GoD]Intrepid> had a game but nahhhh
[20:12] MrSmokin_hottie26> :pepelove:
[20:12] Power> blocked my chat
[20:12] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Koopa loves wasting time
[20:12] Power> i was onlyone writing there
[20:13] MrSmokin_hottie26> catch my heart bianka
[20:13] MrSmokin_hottie26> <3
[20:13] Power> and was waiting if you guys want me to join
[20:13] [GoD]Intrepid> :middle_finger:
[20:13] MrSmokin_hottie26> </3
[20:13] MrSmokin_hottie26> lmaoooo
[20:13] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> lol
[20:13] merciless1> stab it bianca
[20:13] Power> then i chekcd discord
[20:13] [GoD]Intrepid> up his ass
[20:13] Power> and everyone writing
[20:13] merciless1> loil
[20:13] [GoD]Intrepid> fucking shit lol
[20:13] Power> i was like
[20:13] [GoD]Intrepid> well
[20:13] [GoD]Intrepid> maybe fate saved me from 6way game
[20:13] Power> how the hel these guys can stay that silent
[20:13] Power> wtf _s happnening
[20:13] merciless1> pwoer play eric 1v1 when he coms out
[20:14] Power> too boring
[20:14] Power> no offense eric*
[20:14] merciless1> i beat him
[20:14] merciless1> u can too
[20:14] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Look what you did Koopa
[20:14] merciless1> just focus n win
[20:14] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> now you got no game :kekw:
[20:14] Power> i cant be aresed his camp and ight and attack style
[20:14] Power> tried many times
[20:14] merciless1> he just spams lots of warrs at start
[20:14] merciless1> stop them n go smash
[20:14] Power> na
[20:14] merciless1> not so hard
[20:14] Power> when i get up hand
[20:15] Power> he goes tower
[20:15] Power> ggs
[20:15] merciless1> so go attack
[20:15] merciless1> make him waste resources
[20:15] merciless1> qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqnot so hard
[20:15] power> he goes into tower
[20:15] power> lights
[20:15] power> like i said
[20:15] power> borig for me
[20:15] merciless1> dodge ?
[20:15] merciless1> lol.
[20:15] power> cba
[20:15] merciless1> lOLOLLO
[20:15] merciless1> so u cba winning
[20:15] merciless1> ok
[20:15] Power> yes
[20:15] merciless1> i see where da problem is then
[20:16] merciless1> :)
[20:16] Power> many times i jsut gave up and play for fun
[20:16] Power> who cares winning
[20:16] merciless1> me! :hyperS:
[20:16] Power> can do 1v1 with you then
[20:16] merciless1> only if u beat eric
[20:17] merciless1> hes my disciple
[20:20] merciless1> koopa u fkin suck
[20:20] merciless1> i hope thats clear
[20:22] MrSmokin_hottie26> :feelsbadman:
[20:22] [GoD]Intrepid> at lesat he got no game
[20:22] MrSmokin_hottie26> yooo big hw
[20:22] MrSmokin_hottie26> kicking assssss
[20:22] MrSmokin_hottie26> lmaoo wut u mean at least
[20:22] MrSmokin_hottie26> man they sure did ditch me huh
[20:24] [GoD]Intrepid> deserved
[20:24] [GoD]Intrepid> you wouldnt have clicked in anyway
[20:24] [GoD]Intrepid> or trolled with allies
[20:25] Kick out
[20:25] Kick in
[20:25] MrSmokin_hottie26> i trolled once maybe twice
[20:25] MrSmokin_hottie26> dood toruk kept changingg
[20:25] Kick out
[20:25] Kick in
[20:25] MrSmokin_hottie26> last 2 it was toruk i swear man
[20:25] [GoD]Intrepid> all ik is we ended up with no game
[20:26] MrSmokin_hottie26> all ik is hw too good :ezy:
[20:26] MrSmokin_hottie26> fhking guy did the undoable
[20:26] MrSmokin_hottie26> guy carried manl1
[20:26] [Rw]FreeMatt> eric how come u always get smoekd vs me?
[20:26] [GoD]Eric out
[20:26] [Rw]FreeMatt> eric out
[20:27] [Rw]FreeMatt> lol
[20:27] [GoD]Eric in
[20:27] [Rw]FreeMatt> eric how u still a "shammy" when all u do is lose vs me
[20:27] [AsG]Manl1> how come you lost your base against kick hw?
[20:27] merciless1> +1 vs big beast eric 1v1 pp
[20:28] [Rw]FreeMatt> manu u mean how did i lsoe some of my b ase to eric?
[20:28] merciless1> come hw
[20:28] [Rw]FreeMatt> better ask urself that
[20:28] merciless1> prove eric loses to u
[20:28] [Rw]FreeMatt> eric does pull up match hhistory
[20:28] [Rw]FreeMatt> in last 10-20 2v2's eric has won many 2 or 3
[20:28] merciless1> koopa join play eric 1v1 my brah
[20:29] [AsG]Manl1> you were hilarious thou
[20:29] [AsG]Manl1> i made you land
[20:29] [AsG]Manl1> you go like stfu
[20:29] [Rw]FreeMatt> lol
[20:29] [AsG]Manl1> what on earth were you on about
[20:29] [Rw]FreeMatt> cuz i just wanted to to mount a first atack after 45 mins
[20:30] [Rw]FreeMatt> "i alsmsot have eq" at 5 mins
[20:30] [GoD]Eric> hw
[20:30] [GoD]Eric> we can do a 1v1
[20:30] [Rw]FreeMatt> stands in enemies base for next 3 mins
[20:30] [Rw]FreeMatt> no eq
[20:30] [GoD]Eric> i just had to 2v1 the whole time
[20:30] [Rw]FreeMatt> eric at best manu is .5
[20:30] [Rw]FreeMatt> so that would be 1.5 v 1
[20:30] [Rw]FreeMatt> and u really calling kick a zero?
[20:31] [Rw]FreeMatt> tahts rude AF
[20:31] [Rw]FreeMatt> also kick did better than u trying to get mid
[20:31] Kick> he not wrong i phoned it in like 15 mins in
[20:31] [Rw]FreeMatt> u only ever even got mid after i left mid to bd
[20:31] [Rw]FreeMatt> lol
[20:31] [AsG]Manl1> still don't know yet hw
[20:31] [Rw]FreeMatt> yea kick but u did great defending the bd
[20:31] [Rw]FreeMatt> ur lgihts still on point :)
[20:31] [GoD]Eric> hw wanna do a rm?
[20:32] [AsG]Manl1> that .5 won us the game
[20:32] [AsG]Manl1> isnt it tragic?
[20:32] [GoD]Eric> or koopa 1v1?
[20:32] [Rw]FreeMatt> u donht think it was me defending mid early game?
[20:32] [GoD]Eric> dont be scared
[20:32] [GoD]Eric> i will go easy
[20:32] [Rw]FreeMatt> u were 1-10 shammy kd
[20:32] [Rw]FreeMatt> and i was 10-0
[20:32] [Rw]FreeMatt> u dont think that won teh game?
[20:33] [AsG]Manl1> that helped at not losing
[20:33] [AsG]Manl1> for sure
[20:33] [AsG]Manl1> :D
[20:33] [GoD]Eric> hw lets do a 1v1 on craters
[20:33] Spyro out
[20:33] [Rw]FreeMatt> :p hehe manu i jsut tease u
[20:33] [Rw]FreeMatt> i bet eric is fumeing RN
[20:33] [Rw]FreeMatt> fake shamen
[20:33] merciless1> hw come eric will play u 1v1 on ur best map cr8
[20:33] [AsG]Manl1> i felt so tragic
[20:33] [GoD]Intrepid> if they do that
[20:33] [AsG]Manl1> casting fs
[20:33] [GoD]Intrepid> i wanna watch
[20:33] [AsG]Manl1> on like 3 people and his shaman
[20:33] [AsG]Manl1> to be safe
[20:33] [AsG]Manl1> worked tho
[20:33] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[20:33] [Rw]FreeMatt> fs shamen kilsl are epic end game
[20:34] [GoD]Eric> hw lets do thiis craters 1v1
[20:34] merciless1> hw wont join anyway bianca
[20:34] [Rw]FreeMatt> eric rage is all the proof i need
[20:34] merciless1> guy calls eric fake yet hes scared as fk
[20:34] [GoD]Intrepid> reminds me of someone ;)
[20:34] [Rw]FreeMatt> dubs are plentful vs eric
[20:34] [GoD]Eric> he will shit in his pants for sure
[20:34] [Rw]FreeMatt> eric
[20:34] merciless1> when did i ever call eric fake
[20:34] merciless1> lol
[20:34] [Rw]FreeMatt> do soem research
[20:34] [Rw]FreeMatt> 2v2s u vs me
[20:34] [GoD]Intrepid> lmao no
[20:34] [Rw]FreeMatt> whos always winning?
[20:35] [GoD]Eric> hw did u watch my allies?
[20:35] [GoD]Eric> lol
[20:35] [Rw]FreeMatt> yes shamen games eric
[20:35] [GoD]Eric> all low ranked
[20:35] [Rw]FreeMatt> u jsut cr4umby
[20:35] [Rw]FreeMatt> eric ur a bad bob the builder at best
[20:35] [GoD]Eric> hw show me ur skills on craters 1v1
[20:35] [GoD]Eric> lets see
[20:36] [Rw]FreeMatt> this is what hapepns evey game vs eric
[20:36] [Rw]FreeMatt> he lsoes
[20:36] [Rw]FreeMatt> hell lose agian
[20:36] [Rw]FreeMatt> then rages
[20:36] [Rw]FreeMatt> then spams 1v1 invites
[20:36] [GoD]Eric> hw ur just scared
[20:36] [GoD]Eric> its okay
[20:36] [GoD]Eric> lol
[20:36] [Rw]FreeMatt> scared of free points
[20:37] [GoD]Eric> lets go hw
[20:37] [Rw]FreeMatt> bianca
[20:37] [GoD]Eric> show us ur pro
[20:37] [Rw]FreeMatt> can u remember this for next time
[20:37] [Rw]FreeMatt> it'll be like instant reply
[20:37] [Rw]FreeMatt> eric wiill lose next 2v2 against me like always
[20:37] [Rw]FreeMatt> then run into hut begging for 1v1
[20:37] [Rw]FreeMatt> to prove he has penis
[20:38] [GoD]Eric> well shogun his scared i tried
[20:38] merciless1> this guy is all talk
[20:38] merciless1> not worth the time
[20:38] [Rw]FreeMatt> all dubs
[20:38] merciless1> gets borin as fk
[20:38] [Rw]FreeMatt> all the dubs
[20:38] merciless1> jjay come 1v1 eric :monkamega:
[20:38] christo0972> +1
[20:38] [Rw]FreeMatt> can soemone pull game hsitory hw vs eric?
[20:38] [Rw]FreeMatt> 2v2s
[20:38] [Rw]FreeMatt> last 10-20 games erics has won 2-3
[20:39] [SW]Zgjims in
[20:39] [GoD]Eric> jimmy
[20:39] [GoD]Eric> join
[20:39] [Rw]FreeMatt> eric u msut play with ALOT of noobs
[20:39] [GoD]Eric> 1v1
[20:39] [Rw]FreeMatt> for all these loses
[20:39] [GoD]Eric> shogun will host its better jimmy
[20:39] [SW]Zgjims> If you wana play man
[20:39] [SW]Zgjims> join in my host
[20:40] [GoD]Eric> but il lag on ur host
[20:40] [GoD]Eric> join shogun its better
[20:40] [SW]Zgjims> now i am connecting with cable
[20:40] [GoD]Eric> what color do u want?
[20:40] acac in
[20:40] [GoD]Eric> show me a screenshot that ur on cable
[20:40] [SW]Zgjims> i don't play on retard's host
[20:40] merciless1> join my pro host jimmy
[20:40] [Rw]FreeMatt> LOL
[20:40] [SW]Zgjims> :kekw:
[20:41] merciless1> excuses, u see it eric ?
[20:41] [GoD]Eric> ye i see lol
[20:41] merciless1> who cares whos the host as long as u can play ur match
[20:41] [SW]Zgjims> [SW]Zgjims> i don't play on retard's host
[20:41] [GoD]Eric> well all i know last time it was lagging badly
[20:41] merciless1> guy wants to starts a fight with me to avoid eric
[20:41] merciless1> lolol
[20:41] cyborg> merciless lives in a nightmare and she has mental issues lets all help her to live a normal life
[20:41] [GoD]Eric> jimmy join
[20:41] Power> gg wp
[20:42] merciless1> jimmy neutron
[20:42] [Rw]Jops> NICE ONE POWER
[20:42] [Rw]Jops> GG GUYS
[20:42] christo0972> lo
[20:42] [Rw]Jops> not shotuing
[20:42] Power> nice played jops
[20:42] [GoD]Eric> or if u want i can host it too
[20:42] [Rw]Raver> WHAT
[20:42] christo0972> ist iit an anime Sho ?
[20:42] Power> u did good
[20:42] [Rw]Raver> I CANT HEAR YOU
[20:42] [Rw]Jops> thanks man, your pressure made a huge diff
[20:42] merciless1> ye host it eric, lets hear his next excuse lolol
[20:42] [Rw]Jops> also holy shit Kick is back
[20:42] Power> at start i was dismantlig so we got some hits
[20:42] Power> sorry about it
[20:42] Power> :)
[20:43] merciless1> its just a characters name christo dw
[20:43] urepopulous2 in
[20:43] [GoD]Eric> well shogun he goes to afk mode now
[20:43] christo0972> oh ok
[20:43] [GoD]Eric> i think i scared him away
[20:43] [Rw]Jops> yeah explains your massive pop lol, i didn focus on that enough
[20:43] MrSmokin_hottie26> yoyo
[20:43] lebannen in
[20:44] MrSmokin_hottie26> i open 2 more spots?
[20:44] MrSmokin_hottie26> or we got with a 3 v 3???
[20:44] lebannen out
[20:44] merciless1> indeed u did eric
[20:44] lebannen in
[20:44] [GoD]Eric> koopa
[20:44] [GoD]Eric> join 1v1
[20:44] christo0972> i know it lol in french Jimmy characters is famous
[20:44] merciless1> jimmy probs finding a new excuse
[20:44] MrSmokin_hottie26> 3v3???
[20:44] christo0972> k
[20:44] [GoD]Eric> i know shogun its sad that it has to be that way
[20:44] christo0972> go?
[20:44] [Rw]Jops> id join
[20:45] christo0972> sick 4V4 ...
[20:45] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> open up 2 more spots so we can sit here another hour
[20:45] christo0972> Exactly
[20:45] MrSmokin_hottie26> all here???
[20:45] christo0972> im agree with Toruk
[20:45] [Rw]Jops> just dont put me with christo
[20:45] Kick> oh boy
[20:45] [GoD]Eric> all i wonder is what kind of fly will fly in to my web
[20:45] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> man, sucks from hw
[20:45] christo0972> what did he say this spy ?
[20:45] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> for*
[20:45] Power> kind of me
[20:45] Power> eric
[20:45] MrSmokin_hottie26> MrSmokin_hottie26 + [AsG]Manl1 + [AvA]Toruk_Makto + christo0972 vs. [Rw]FreeMatt + Kick + [Rw]Jops + lebannen
[20:46] merciless1> cant even get ping from him
[20:46] [Rw]Jops> figured the big text would help you read
[20:46] christo0972> yeah nice i prefer the win
[20:46] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> you're not with christo, Jops
[20:46] MrSmokin_hottie26> ill take chirsto idm
[20:46] [Rw]Jops> thank god
[20:46] [GoD]Eric> power let shogun host it cant get a ping
[20:46] MrSmokin_hottie26> lemmmme see
[20:46] merciless1> jimmy u only play ur shit host so u can lag ur opponent eh? ;)
[20:46] MrSmokin_hottie26> best look good to yall??
[20:46] [SW]Zgjims> Why you leave man
[20:46] Power> jimmy
[20:46] [SW]Zgjims> HAHAHHAHA
[20:46] Power> doing 1v1 with eric
[20:46] Power> lmfo
[20:46] [SW]Zgjims> yeah Power
[20:46] Power> u cant ask now
[20:46] [SW]Zgjims> I am waiting
[20:47] merciless1> choose color guys
[20:47] Power> hae time for 1 game
[20:47] [SW]Zgjims> Who wants for 1v1
[20:47] Power> tehn will sleep
[20:47] [SW]Zgjims> come here
[20:47] [GoD]Eric> well the lag i got from jimmy its was 8 sec of freeze whole game
[20:47] [SW]Zgjims> i am waiting for you guys <3
[20:47] Svarog out
[20:47] Power> any sho
[20:47] MrSmokin_hottie26> lemme reset modem rite quik
[20:48] [GoD]FreeInca> kick buttowski
[20:49] [GoD]Intrepid> basement
[20:49] [GoD]Intrepid> chichis
[20:49] [GoD]FreeInca> lol
[20:49] Kick> we goin or nah
[20:49] [GoD]FreeInca> i just woke up
[20:49] MrSmokin_hottie26 in
[20:49] [GoD]FreeInca> its very cold in the basement
[20:50] [GoD]Intrepid> lool
[20:50] MrSmokin_hottie26> MrSmokin_hottie26 + [AsG]Manl1 + [AvA]Toruk_Makto + christo0972 vs. [Rw]FreeMatt + Kick + [Rw]Jops + lebannen
[20:50] MrSmokin_hottie26> i want challenge
[20:50] MrSmokin_hottie26> i give yall manl1
[20:50] [GoD]Intrepid> koopa and manl
[20:50] MrSmokin_hottie26> forrrrr
[20:50] MrSmokin_hottie26> forrrrrrrrrrrr
[20:50] [GoD]Intrepid> :popcorn:
[20:50] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> any time now, Koopa...........................................
[20:50] MrSmokin_hottie26> forrrrrrrrrr
[20:50] MrSmokin_hottie26> kik or node
[20:50] acac out
[20:50] MrSmokin_hottie26> who wana ally me
[20:50] [GoD]Intrepid> no one
[20:50] [Rw]FreeMatt> koopa
[20:50] [Rw]FreeMatt> teams are fine
[20:50] Kick> idm any teams
[20:50] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Koopa, ffs. Just GOOOOOOOO
[20:50] MrSmokin_hottie26> fhk it i take kik
[20:50] [Rw]FreeMatt> koopa
[20:50] [Rw]FreeMatt> teams u posted
[20:50] [Rw]FreeMatt> are fine
[20:51] [GoD]FreeInca> lol
[20:52] MrSmokin_hottie26> weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[20:53] MrSmokin_hottie26 out
[20:56] barracuda11 in
[20:57] [AsG]Godzilla in
[20:58] 00Shaman in
[20:59] 00Shaman> +1
[21:06] O-Ren_TSI> soon starting
[21:06] O-Ren_TSI> need to finish league
[21:07] Power> gg wp
[21:07] [GoD]Eric> lol
[21:08] [GoD]Eric> one bite
[21:08] [AsG]Godzilla out
[21:08] Power out
[21:08] Power in
[21:09] 00Shaman> i will relog
[21:09] 00Shaman out
[21:09] 00Shaman in
[21:09] merciless1> lol
[21:10] barracuda11 out
[21:10] 00Shaman> sup eric
[21:10] Power> ?
[21:12] [GoD]spinnifix> Game ?
[21:12] [GoD]spinnifix> Or
[21:12] merciless1> ye
[21:12] merciless1> come 1v1 with eric albert
[21:12] xtro in
[21:14] O-Ren_TSI> k im finished
[21:14] O-Ren_TSI> get ping 00
[21:15] 00Shaman> been trying the whole time you were gone
[21:15] 00Shaman> nothing
[21:15] [Rw]Raver> :<
[21:15] [Rw]Raver> host
[21:15] [Rw]Raver> ?
[21:15] O-Ren_TSI> change the hut
[21:15] [Rw]Raver> how will that help
[21:15] 00Shaman> its a myth
[21:15] 00Shaman> try relogging i already did it
[21:16] O-Ren_TSI> k then change host
[21:16] 00Shaman> ossur
[21:16] 00Shaman> host
[21:16] 00Shaman> you have star
[21:18] 00Shaman> finally ping
[21:18] 00Shaman out
[21:18] [Rw]Raver> i cba walls do u guys wanna do sess
[21:18] [Rw]Raver> seeing as there are only 2 maps
[21:19] cyborg> you guys up for craters?
[21:19] merciless1> jjay come 1v1 with eric :pepega:
[21:19] [AvA]JJaydenn> got a pro game here
[21:19] [Rw]Raver> jayden ur gonna offset the balance too much
[21:20] [AvA]JJaydenn> :nice:
[21:20] [AvA]JJaydenn> i can go no troops
[21:21] [D]Jozef> https://prnt.sc/vIOIWqufrliJ
[21:21] cyborg> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXaLc9AYIcg
[21:21] [AvA]JJaydenn> dam sho wtf
[21:21] [AvA]JJaydenn> u a fag 2?
[21:21] merciless1> ???
[21:22] merciless1> nah i meant his mom u idiot lmao
[21:22] [AvA]JJaydenn> lol
[21:22] merciless1> lol cut the crap jozef :monkastab:
[21:22] [D]Jozef> :kekw:
[21:22] [D]Jozef> i saved that
[21:22] [D]Jozef> got many laughs already
[21:22] merciless1> gotta be more specific next time
[21:23] merciless1> dem faggits trying to get me to the fag side
[21:23] merciless1> :cringe:
[21:23] [Rw]Raver> he was joking
[21:23] [Rw]Raver> joseph
[21:23] dictatorjulio out
[21:23] [D]Jozef> get manu
[21:23] [GoD]Eric> lets go
[21:23] [D]Jozef> im eating
[21:24] merciless1> jjay get ping
[21:24] [Rw]Raver> again?!
[21:24] [D]Jozef> didnt expect game that quick
[21:24] merciless1> btw choose base jjay
[21:24] cyborg> :monkastab:
[21:24] [AvA]JJaydenn> idc
[21:24] [GoD]Eric> lol
[21:24] [GoD]Eric> yeahhh righttt
[21:24] merciless1> eric is deadly as red
[21:24] merciless1> his fav base
[21:24] [GoD]Eric> i am deadly on both
[21:24] merciless1> Looooooooool
[21:25] [GoD]Eric> all i take is one bite
[21:25] merciless1> kk
[21:25] [D]Jozef> sho will play with whoever wins
[21:25] MrSmokin_hottie26> fhking a bro
[21:25] [Rw]Jops> i thought i did pretty well there
[21:26] MrSmokin_hottie26> fhking won the game
[21:26] [Rw]Raver> gold star for u :>
[21:26] [Rw]Jops> haha
[21:26] [D]Jozef> hi jops
[21:26] Kick> gg
[21:26] [Rw]Jops> who was yellow on our team, they did great with warriors, I thought we nearly got you Koopa
[21:26] Power> lagged out
[21:26] Power> too sad had fs and eqs
[21:27] [Rw]Jops> ahh you ran pop, only dropped to 90
[21:27] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> best said Manl1 to be on Koopa's team, but he put him on hw's, which I thought played to hw's advantage.
[21:27] [Rw]Jops> Nah
[21:27] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Didn't expect that volcano from kick tho
[21:27] [Rw]Jops> swapping kick made a big diff
[21:27] [SW]Zgjims in
[21:27] [Rw]Jops> thats why Koopa switched him
[21:28] [D]Jozef> [D]Jozef> hi jops
[21:28] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Manl1 is the older player, so he definitely has the skills
[21:28] [Rw]Jops> Hi Brozef
[21:28] [D]Jozef> :pepewhy:
[21:28] [Rw]Jops> mmm no he isnt
[21:28] [D]Jozef> finally
[21:28] Power> gn guys
[21:28] Power> hf
[21:28] [D]Jozef> gn pwoer
[21:28] Power out
[21:28] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> well, if Kick is an older player, I don't know him
[21:28] power> he is
[21:28] MrSmokin_hottie26> he was part of dt krew
[21:28] Kick> i havent played in like a decade really
[21:29] MrSmokin_hottie26> aka dik ticklers
[21:29] Kick> relying on muscle memory
[21:29] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Oh shit, he IS an older player, but I still don't know him. lol
[21:29] [Rw]Jops> yeah you were ballin kick
[21:29] [Rw]Jops> that why i said, you still got it
[21:29] Kick> being able to bind keys now is such a good patch
[21:29] christo0972> that why i push on yr frt ennemy to save u Kick ^^
[21:29] Kick> using arrows to move camera kinda nuts
[21:30] [Rw]Jops> yeah its awesome
[21:30] [Rw]Jops> really enjoyed that game
[21:30] [Rw]Raver> :D
[21:30] Kick> 4v4 confusing af, not used to the other team sprites, cant really tell who is who ngl
[21:30] [SW]Zgjims out
[21:30] [Rw]Raver> all u need to know is the red outlined ones are the bad guys
[21:31] [D]Jozef> you can turn on enemy highlights
[21:31] [D]Jozef> with the o key
[21:31] Kick> oh what, didnt know that
[21:31] [GoD]Intrepid> its on by default
[21:31] [GoD]Intrepid> should be
[21:31] [Rw]Raver> i dont think it is
[21:31] [D]Jozef> not always bian
[21:31] Kick> probs turned it off by accident then
[21:31] [GoD]Intrepid> here it is
[21:31] [Rw]Raver> i didnt know until someone told me
[21:31] [GoD]Intrepid> :o
[21:31] [Rw]Raver> press O in game
[21:31] [D]Jozef> its sad without enemy highlights even in 2v2
[21:31] [Rw]Raver> i use it in 2v2 now even 1v1. just feels weird to not see it
[21:31] [D]Jozef> i dont know who is enemy now lmao
[21:32] Kick> does it highlight spies
[21:32] [D]Jozef> even in 1v1
[21:32] [Rw]Jops> lol same
[21:32] [Rw]Raver> i dont think anyones used a spy since the patch came out
[21:32] [Rw]Jops> I thought Christo did well too, helpin koopa out on D
[21:32] [D]Jozef> good question kick
[21:32] [AsG]Manl1> you can also notify your allies
[21:32] [GoD]Intrepid> i do use spies
[21:32] [D]Jozef> very good question
[21:32] [GoD]Intrepid> on koopa
[21:32] [AsG]Manl1> by pressing "i"
[21:32] [GoD]Intrepid> on sess
[21:32] [Rw]Raver> i know i was kidding
[21:32] Kick> spies so useless unless you crtl click them
[21:32] MrSmokin_hottie26> noob tatic
[21:32] MrSmokin_hottie26> now that im hosting ill disable
[21:32] [GoD]Intrepid> always works
[21:32] [D]Jozef> ye dont use spied tf
[21:33] [D]Jozef> blast ravers trees instead
[21:33] [GoD]Intrepid> dw only on koopa
[21:33] [Rw]Raver> dont use spies just blast their trees with ur shaman so they cant build all game
[21:33] [D]Jozef> loool
[21:33] MrSmokin_hottie26> >:|
[21:33] [D]Jozef> accidents happen
[21:33] [Rw]Raver> A C C I D E N T
[21:33] [Rw]Raver> m8
[21:33] Zpektrix_TAS out
[21:33] [Rw]Raver> that was no accident
[21:33] Zpektrix_TAS in
[21:33] Zpektrix_TAS out
[21:34] [D]Jozef> yes
[21:34] Zpektrix_TAS in
[21:34] [D]Jozef> 4 misclicks
[21:34] [Rw]Raver> lol
[21:34] [Rw]Jops> rofl
[21:34] Zpektrix_TAS out
[21:34] Zpektrix_TAS in
[21:34] [Rw]Raver> jops
[21:34] Kick> remember ABC: Always Blast Cbraves
[21:34] [D]Jozef> lol
[21:34] [Rw]Jops> Ravey
[21:34] [Rw]Raver> wat u doin
[21:35] [Rw]Jops> wife time
[21:35] [Rw]Raver> understandable
[21:35] [Rw]Jops> watchin tv
[21:35] [Rw]Jops> might sneak a pre bed game if peeps about in an hour
[21:36] [D]Jozef> i cant play before bed
[21:36] [D]Jozef> game gets my adrenaline going lol
[21:36] MrSmokin_hottie26> +1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[21:37] [D]Jozef> come raver
[21:37] christo0972> gn all
[21:37] [D]Jozef> or lebannen
[21:37] [D]Jozef> gn
[21:37] [GoD]Intrepid> gn
[21:37] [D]Jozef> christo
[21:37] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> gn christo
[21:37] christo0972 out
[21:37] [D]Jozef> :feelsbaguetteman:
[21:38] [D]Jozef> bian play?
[21:38] [GoD]Intrepid> would be unbalanced
[21:38] MrSmokin_hottie26> ill balance it
[21:38] MrSmokin_hottie26> dw
[21:38] [D]Jozef> well oren isnt his real rank
[21:38] [D]Jozef> and kick decent
[21:38] [D]Jozef> so we can make it work
[21:38] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> what's his real rank?
[21:38] [D]Jozef> oren is a fw
[21:38] [GoD]Intrepid> ossur and lebannen can get game
[21:38] [D]Jozef> when not rusty
[21:38] [D]Jozef> so at least preach id say
[21:38] MrSmokin_hottie26> :bread: i got bread man
[21:39] [D]Jozef> join ossur
[21:39] [D]Jozef> someonee
[21:40] [GoD]Intrepid> fine
[21:40] [D]Jozef> ty :pepelove:
[21:40] MrSmokin_hottie26> kk push???
[21:40] [D]Jozef> push that idea up your ass
[21:41] [D]Jozef> idc you guys pick
[21:41] MrSmokin_hottie26> push it tis
[21:41] MrSmokin_hottie26> lets fhking seee
[21:42] Zpektrix_TAS out
[21:42] MrSmokin_hottie26> guys reloggin
[21:42] MrSmokin_hottie26> who wants front??
[21:42] Zpektrix_TAS in
[21:42] [GoD]Intrepid> those teams prolly can just be me
[21:42] Zpektrix_TAS out
[21:42] Zpektrix_TAS in
[21:42] MrSmokin_hottie26> well i aint goin front
[21:42] MrSmokin_hottie26> i be 2nd from front
[21:42] [D]Jozef> me n manu
[21:42] MrSmokin_hottie26> kk
[21:43] [D]Jozef> nvm we same team
[21:43] [D]Jozef> lol
[21:43] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[21:43] MrSmokin_hottie26> nah switch toruk for manl1
[21:43] MrSmokin_hottie26> kiks playing at preacher + skill
[21:43] [D]Jozef> kk
[21:44] [Rw]Jops> aww man bianca playing again and i miss it
[21:45] [GoD]Intrepid> lol what
[21:46] Maganha_OP in
[21:46] merciless1 out
[21:49] [GoD]Eric> gg
[21:49] [AvA]JJaydenn> gg
[21:49] merciless1 in
[21:50] merciless1> wp
[21:50] [GoD]Eric> who is next
[21:50] [GoD]Eric> ?
[21:50] [GoD]spinnifix> lol
[21:51] adray_tsi in
[21:51] [AvA]JJaydenn> if ur on in 10 min still lets rm me red
[21:52] [GoD]Eric> sure
[21:54] merciless1> big eric
[21:54] merciless1> man spin come here smash eric
[21:54] merciless1> he noobashing :plead:
[21:57] [GoD]Eric> lets see wich fly will fly in to my web
[21:58] [GoD]Eric> last fly i demolished
[21:59] [AvA]JJaydenn> lets gi
[21:59] [AvA]JJaydenn> go
[22:00] [GoD]Eric> last fly i given a slow death, allowed to breathe his last
[22:01] urepopulous2 out
[22:02] urepopulous2 in
[22:02] [AvA]JJaydenn out
[22:03] [GoD]Eric> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1
[22:03] Maganha_OP out
[22:03] [GoD]Eric> to show what u worth
[22:03] merciless1> but what if nici joins
[22:03] [GoD]Eric> he is welcome
[22:04] merciless1> jjay come bak i make u red
[22:07] [GoD]Eric> jj?
[22:07] [GoD]Eric> shogun
[22:07] merciless1> guy said he wud rm
[22:07] merciless1> n left in 2 mins
[22:07] [GoD]Eric> i think u have to prove me if ur good
[22:07] merciless1> i won last one
[22:07] merciless1> im pro gg
[22:07] merciless1> :pepedoor:
[22:07] [GoD]Eric> yes but prove me again
[22:08] [GoD]Eric> shogun
[22:08] [GoD]Eric> lets rm
[22:08] [GoD]Eric> lets do it
[22:08] [SW]Zgjims out
[22:09] [GoD]Eric> dam the noob jimmy
[22:09] [GoD]Eric> did go away
[22:09] merciless1> funny how he only plays under hi shit host
[22:09] [GoD]Eric> how is he even a shaman rank?
[22:09] merciless1> his*
[22:09] [GoD]Eric> i know was very laggy
[22:09] [GoD]Eric> he cant afford a good internet
[22:10] merciless1> cos he got pts from u n power with his laggy shit host
[22:10] [GoD]Eric> he got 10 pts from me
[22:10] [GoD]Eric> lol
[22:10] merciless1> oh adn trod donated him pts i guess lol
[22:10] merciless1> and *
[22:11] [GoD]Eric> dam
[22:17] Invisible in
[22:20] Zpektrix_TAS> brainless toruk
[22:20] Kick> gg
[22:20] [GoD]Intrepid> gg
[22:20] O-Ren_TSI> gg
[22:20] MrSmokin_hottie26> prolly shoulda been 3rd base from the front
[22:20] Zpektrix_TAS> he still thought his bd was the best decision
[22:20] [AsG]Manl1> gg :D
[22:20] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> what do you care Tsu? You guys won
[22:20] [D]Jozef> gg
[22:20] Zpektrix_TAS> turtle brain
[22:20] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> at least I wasn't on your team
[22:20] [GoD]Intrepid> oh come on tsu lol
[22:20] MrSmokin_hottie26> 2nd bases pop is just to low to make a big impact at start
[22:21] Zpektrix_TAS> bian he provoked me for simcity
[22:21] [GoD]Intrepid> ye tell mem about it
[22:21] [GoD]Intrepid> oh lmao
[22:21] Zpektrix_TAS> but he made the worst mistake
[22:21] [D]Jozef> Check my pop toruk
[22:21] [AsG]Manl1> i like beign front base
[22:21] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Tsu, you should be thanking me
[22:21] [AsG]Manl1> on push
[22:21] [GoD]Intrepid> sim city :kek:
[22:21] Zpektrix_TAS> isn't he stupid
[22:21] [D]Jozef> youll see why i didnt have troops at that time
[22:21] [GoD]Intrepid> nice manl you are a good front
[22:21] Zpektrix_TAS> ye
[22:21] [D]Jozef> ye manu good job
[22:21] Zpektrix_TAS> manu did great
[22:21] MrSmokin_hottie26> game was clsoe
[22:21] Zpektrix_TAS> i killed most pop
[22:21] Zpektrix_TAS> :D
[22:21] [AsG]Manl1> 22 - 13
[22:21] MrSmokin_hottie26> then sumthing happened :monkahmm:
[22:21] [AsG]Manl1> woo
[22:22] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I could have sworn someone said to sd. At least I was the only one willing to do anything about it
[22:22] [D]Jozef> 6/16 ian
[22:22] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> we weren't winning anyway
[22:22] [D]Jozef> thats your k/d lol
[22:22] Zpektrix_TAS> 6/10 tsu
[22:22] Zpektrix_TAS> :DDD
[22:22] Zpektrix_TAS> still most pop kill
[22:22] MrSmokin_hottie26> pop graph says we were close tho
[22:22] MrSmokin_hottie26> w.e
[22:23] [D]Jozef> front is hard
[22:23] [D]Jozef> and manu got many of my converts at start
[22:23] [GoD]Intrepid> poor toruk. remember last time we died full spells cuz no one told you to bd :kek:
[22:23] [GoD]Intrepid> you had full spells
[22:23] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Yep, I remember
[22:23] [D]Jozef> lol
[22:23] Kick> i just wanted to burn some huts man
[22:23] [GoD]Intrepid> and you did
[22:23] Invisible> guys come play, pleaseeee
[22:23] [GoD]Intrepid> lmao
[22:23] Zpektrix_TAS> ye kick only burnt training huts
[22:23] Zpektrix_TAS> rofl
[22:24] [GoD]Intrepid> i didnt see tbh if he went for trees instead
[22:24] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I get shit on for not bd, then I get shit on for a bd. I can't win :shrug:
[22:24] [GoD]Intrepid> that would have fucked me
[22:24] [GoD]Intrepid> but the huts i noticed
[22:24] [D]Jozef> my request was to just tell your team
[22:24] [AsG]Manl1> i got so many wildies at convert
[22:24] [D]Jozef> so i know to watch there
[22:24] [AsG]Manl1> that made me pretty happy :D
[22:24] Kick> well I mean trees arent huts so
[22:24] [GoD]Intrepid> ye but i can rebild
[22:24] [GoD]Intrepid> with trees
[22:24] [GoD]Intrepid> without
[22:24] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Element of surprise, Joseph
[22:24] [GoD]Intrepid> :rip:
[22:24] Zpektrix_TAS> lets go
[22:24] [D]Jozef> why surprise your team
[22:24] [D]Jozef> you mf
[22:24] [GoD]Intrepid> lkoll
[22:24] [D]Jozef> are you trolling me
[22:24] Zpektrix_TAS> he is trollign ofc
[22:24] Kick> I just dont like burning trees, bad for environment
[22:24] Zpektrix_TAS> joseph
[22:24] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Tsu always bd without warning
[22:25] MrSmokin_hottie26> wut map this time???
[22:25] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Trod sometimes too
[22:25] [D]Jozef> tsu>toruk
[22:25] [GoD]Intrepid> oh boy look at best
[22:25] Invisible> MrSmokin_hottie26 + lebannen + Zpektrix_TAS + O-Ren_TSI vs. [GoD]Intrepid + [D]Jozef + [AsG]Manl1 + Invisible
[22:25] [GoD]Intrepid> lmao
[22:25] [GoD]Intrepid> kk
[22:25] MrSmokin_hottie26> clovermayhem??
[22:25] Kick> looking at the graph for that game
[22:25] [GoD]Intrepid> if so put me inside base
[22:25] Kick> I won for most fun had
[22:25] Zpektrix_TAS> ok lets go
[22:25] Zpektrix_TAS> carry us koopa
[22:25] [GoD]Intrepid> lmao kick
[22:25] MrSmokin_hottie26> can do riverside
[22:25] MrSmokin_hottie26> or clover
[22:25] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Alright, I'll never bd again if you guys are gonna give me this much shit about it. It's a fucking game ffs
[22:25] MrSmokin_hottie26> wut yall think
[22:25] [D]Jozef> lolol
[22:25] [GoD]Intrepid> sure koopa
[22:25] [GoD]Intrepid> bd tsu
[22:25] [GoD]Intrepid> gg
[22:25] MrSmokin_hottie26> :kek:
[22:25] [D]Jozef> i never said dont
[22:26] [D]Jozef> just said tell your team
[22:26] MrSmokin_hottie26> uhhh if i gotta pik
[22:26] [D]Jozef> and you say element of surprise
[22:26] [D]Jozef> xD
[22:26] [GoD]Intrepid> lool
[22:26] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> he was the one playing sim city, if there was anyone who deserved it, it was him
[22:26] Invisible> koopa hurry, bianca need to go in 30 misn and you need 40 mins to rotae
[22:26] Zpektrix_TAS> toruk cant communicate
[22:26] Zpektrix_TAS> thats all
[22:26] Invisible> rotate*
[22:26] [GoD]Intrepid> dwi had a sim city koopa earlier
[22:26] [GoD]Intrepid> ye brandy
[22:26] [GoD]Intrepid> gg
[22:26] Zpektrix_TAS> 60mins you mean
[22:26] Zpektrix_TAS> brandy
[22:26] Invisible> lool
[22:26] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[22:27] [D]Jozef> this map give me ptsd
[22:27] Zpektrix_TAS> he needs to go to a hospital first
[22:27] Zpektrix_TAS> for first 30mins
[22:27] [D]Jozef> from when kpa trolled me n dougs
[22:27] Zpektrix_TAS> then rotate
[22:27] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I'd rather be brainless then a pedophile any day
[22:27] Invisible> kk brb 1 min
[22:27] [GoD]Intrepid> lmfao
[22:27] [GoD]Intrepid> ye that map always
[22:27] [GoD]Intrepid> some shit happening
[22:27] [GoD]Intrepid> but best was when koopa bded his ally
[22:27] Zpektrix_TAS> he needs to ask mental care partner
[22:27] [GoD]Intrepid> to fs him
[22:27] [GoD]Intrepid> :kekw:
[22:27] Zpektrix_TAS> which team he should make
[22:27] O-Ren_TSI> update lebannen
[22:27] MrSmokin_hottie26> :eyes:
[22:28] [D]Jozef> kick you do well
[22:28] [D]Jozef> for fresh back
[22:28] [D]Jozef> btw
[22:28] Kick> no i dont
[22:28] [GoD]Intrepid> ok then you dont
[22:28] Kick> yes i do
[22:28] [GoD]Intrepid> :p
[22:28] [D]Jozef> :monkastab:
[22:28] [GoD]Intrepid> lmao
[22:28] Kick> I just aint used to the 4v4s tbh
[22:28] [GoD]Intrepid> node man
[22:28] [GoD]Intrepid> updte
[22:28] MrSmokin_hottie26> sum1 pm node
[22:28] Zpektrix_TAS> kick node or pick another map
[22:28] [D]Jozef> does he speak lebanese?
[22:29] Zpektrix_TAS> node speaks spanish
[22:29] [D]Jozef> hola come estas
[22:29] Zpektrix_TAS> but he is afk mostly
[22:30] [D]Jozef> lets take kick then
[22:30] [D]Jozef> he wants to play
[22:30] [GoD]Intrepid> koopa tries other map
[22:30] MrSmokin_hottie26> god dammm
[22:30] [GoD]Intrepid> :rip:
[22:30] Kick> dont have time tbh
[22:30] MrSmokin_hottie26> wth
[22:30] MrSmokin_hottie26> sum1 pm him
[22:30] Kick> off to pick up gf
[22:30] [D]Jozef> later
[22:30] [D]Jozef> gg's
[22:30] [GoD]Intrepid> lmao
[22:30] Kick out
[22:30] [GoD]Intrepid> you go 3v3
[22:31] Kick in
[22:31] [GoD]Intrepid> without lebannen and me
[22:31] [D]Jozef> nah
[22:31] [GoD]Intrepid> i got no time too
[22:31] [D]Jozef> raver will play
[22:31] Kick out
[22:31] [D]Jozef> :<
[22:31] Kick in
[22:31] [GoD]Intrepid> gg
[22:31] MrSmokin_hottie26> fhk
[22:31] Zpektrix_TAS> just kick node
[22:31] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[22:31] Zpektrix_TAS> since he doesnt listen
[22:32] [GoD]Intrepid> do 3v3
[22:32] [GoD]Intrepid> ill watch
[22:32] [GoD]Intrepid> before i sleep
[22:32] MrSmokin_hottie26> :0
[22:32] Zpektrix_TAS> they left
[22:32] [GoD]Intrepid> ......................
[22:32] Zpektrix_TAS> it seems we dont get a game
[22:32] [GoD]Intrepid> or 2v2 now xd
[22:32] Invisible> there goes the game
[22:32] [D]Jozef> bianca is the glue that holds this mm together
[22:32] [GoD]Intrepid> just go 2v2 man
[22:32] MrSmokin_hottie26> omg
[22:32] [GoD]Intrepid> lmfao it seems so
[22:32] [D]Jozef> :monkastab:
[22:32] [GoD]Intrepid> :Kek:
[22:32] MrSmokin_hottie26> :pepecry:
[22:32] [GoD]Intrepid> brandylein
[22:32] [GoD]Intrepid> spiel
[22:33] Invisible> how to balance 2v2?
[22:33] [GoD]Intrepid> you and koopa
[22:33] [GoD]Intrepid> ?
[22:33] Invisible> i think koopa is way better then the other to make it balanced
[22:33] [D]Jozef> kpa sucks
[22:33] Invisible> also i woulde prefer 3v3 or 4v4 for once
[22:33] [D]Jozef> ngl
[22:34] MrSmokin_hottie26> wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
[22:34] MrSmokin_hottie26> fhkin better
[22:34] Invisible> loool
[22:34] MrSmokin_hottie26> thx brandi
[22:34] [D]Jozef> but if you dont join brandy
[22:34] [D]Jozef> bian wont have her night game to get sleepy to
[22:34] [D]Jozef> to wawtch
[22:34] [GoD]Intrepid> yes ;(
[22:34] [GoD]Intrepid> :plead:
[22:34] [GoD]Intrepid> :cri:
[22:34] [D]Jozef> then she will get insomnia
[22:34] [D]Jozef> and oversleep for work
[22:35] [D]Jozef> and lose job
[22:35] [GoD]Intrepid> loool
[22:35] adray_tsi out
[22:35] [GoD]Intrepid> and play more pop
[22:35] [D]Jozef> do you want that?
[22:35] [GoD]Intrepid> :ohyes:
[22:35] Invisible> lmao
[22:35] [GoD]Intrepid> go brandy
[22:35] [GoD]Intrepid> or it becomes true
[22:35] Invisible> well bianca i can share something to you if you want
[22:35] [GoD]Intrepid> :plead:
[22:35] Invisible> have tons of porns
[22:35] [GoD]Intrepid> LOL
[22:35] [D]Jozef> loool
[22:35] Invisible> nah sorry but im out
[22:36] [GoD]Intrepid> :(
[22:36] Invisible> gn everyone :)
[22:36] [D]Jozef> ok gn
[22:36] [GoD]Intrepid> gn brandy
[22:36] [D]Jozef> brandymon
[22:36] Invisible out
[22:36] [GoD]Intrepid> i blame koopa
[22:36] [GoD]Intrepid> again
[22:36] [GoD]Intrepid> for no game
[22:36] [D]Jozef> well it was lebannen tho :V
[22:36] [GoD]Intrepid> still blame koopa
[22:36] [GoD]Intrepid> :peped:
[22:36] [D]Jozef> :monkasss:
[22:36] merciless1> can u not pause for so long dude
[22:36] merciless1> i lost all focus
[22:36] [D]Jozef> hide your booty
[22:37] [GoD]Intrepid> lmfao
[22:37] [D]Jozef> booty ticklers around
[22:37] [GoD]Eric> gg
[22:37] merciless1> u remind me of koopa with such long pauses
[22:37] Kick out
[22:37] merciless1> annoying as shit
[22:37] [GoD]Eric> sry bro
[22:38] merciless1> think im gonna disable pause
[22:38] merciless1> it really sucks
[22:38] [D]Jozef> i dont mind pause
[22:38] [GoD]Eric> we can rm bro
[22:38] merciless1> pausing for 10 secs its aceptable
[22:38] [GoD]Eric> i really had to piss
[22:38] [D]Jozef> as long as announces when to unpause
[22:38] merciless1> but fukin 5 min pause
[22:38] merciless1> u gotta be kiddin me
[22:38] [GoD]Intrepid> sometimes pauses suck tho
[22:38] [D]Jozef> yea
[22:38] xtro out
[22:38] [GoD]Intrepid> like when you are about to bd
[22:38] [GoD]Intrepid> pause
[22:38] [GoD]Intrepid> then everyone sees you will
[22:38] [D]Jozef> unlike eric to troll tho
[22:38] [GoD]Intrepid> :kek:
[22:38] [D]Jozef> :monkahmm:
[22:39] [Rw]Ninety> Joseph stop ruining games for everyone pla
[22:39] [Rw]Ninety> Pls
[22:39] [GoD]Eric> jozef host bro
[22:39] [GoD]Eric> sess
[22:39] [D]Jozef> I cant help it
[22:40] [Rw]Jops out
[22:40] [D]Jozef> we dont have players eric
[22:40] [D]Jozef> unless you get kpa and manu
[22:40] [D]Jozef> but kpa wont want sess
[22:40] MrSmokin_hottie26> how do u uncover enemy spies
[22:40] MrSmokin_hottie26> asking for a ditz
[22:40] [D]Jozef> click them kpa
[22:40] [D]Jozef> just click
[22:40] [GoD]Eric> koopa wont play on my host
[22:40] MrSmokin_hottie26> just clik eh
[22:41] [GoD]Eric> thats why im asking to u to host
[22:41] [D]Jozef> but you need to see them obv
[22:41] [D]Jozef> or a spy in a tower
[22:41] [GoD]Eric> so ikoopa and manu can join
[22:41] [D]Jozef> will reveal them
[22:41] [D]Jozef> if in range
[22:41] MrSmokin_hottie26> spy in tower is tru
[22:41] [D]Jozef> no shit
[22:41] MrSmokin_hottie26> other one idk if thats completely correct
[22:41] [GoD]Eric> koopa
[22:41] [D]Jozef> it is
[22:41] [GoD]Eric> would u join
[22:41] [GoD]Eric> if jozef
[22:41] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[22:41] [GoD]Eric> host
[22:41] [D]Jozef> you just click the hidden spy
[22:42] [GoD]Eric> ?
[22:42] [D]Jozef> and it reveals and your troops kill
[22:42] MrSmokin_hottie26> bianka quit being ashamed u hearing this?
[22:42] [GoD]Intrepid> haha
[22:42] [D]Jozef> we can test if you want
[22:42] [D]Jozef> on sess
[22:42] [D]Jozef> take 1 min to do
[22:42] MrSmokin_hottie26> playing this game for 20 dam yrs
[22:42] [GoD]Intrepid> i thought there is more to it
[22:42] [D]Jozef> lets go
[22:42] MrSmokin_hottie26> u jotting this down?
[22:42] [GoD]Intrepid> the tower thing i knew
[22:42] [D]Jozef> you just click it
[22:42] [GoD]Intrepid> ye but
[22:42] [GoD]Intrepid> first you have to see it xd
[22:42] [D]Jozef> yes
[22:42] MrSmokin_hottie26> u just clik brah
[22:42] [D]Jozef> if you dont see it then sol
[22:42] [GoD]Intrepid> lol
[22:43] [D]Jozef> what i dont know
[22:43] [D]Jozef> is if your ray of light grab
[22:43] MrSmokin_hottie26> btw u dont just clik on it bro
[22:43] [D]Jozef> would count as a click or not
[22:43] MrSmokin_hottie26> u right clik it
[22:43] [D]Jozef> same shit
[22:43] [GoD]Intrepid> lolol
[22:43] [GoD]Eric> bianca
[22:43] [D]Jozef> pretty sure either click
[22:43] [GoD]Eric> joinµ?
[22:43] [GoD]Intrepid> its too late
[22:43] [D]Jozef> works
[22:43] MrSmokin_hottie26> lmao no its not!
[22:43] MrSmokin_hottie26> only rite cliking works
[22:44] [GoD]Intrepid> no
[22:44] [D]Jozef> tell me grandpa
[22:44] [GoD]Intrepid> i did left click
[22:44] [D]Jozef> :monkastab:
[22:44] [GoD]Intrepid> this game
[22:44] [GoD]Intrepid> when i have seen it
[22:44] merciless1> grandpa :pog:
[22:44] MrSmokin_hottie26> :mooresy:
[22:44] merciless1> koopa u gunna let that slide
[22:44] MrSmokin_hottie26> fhk yall n no i aint 1 v 1 ing u eric
[22:44] MrSmokin_hottie26> im outtie
[22:44] [GoD]Intrepid> lolol
[22:44] merciless1> 1v1 me koopa
[22:44] [GoD]Eric> its 2v2
[22:44] [GoD]Eric> lol
[22:44] merciless1> warm up with me
[22:44] merciless1> then u 1v1 eric
[22:44] MrSmokin_hottie26> 2morrow n sure diego
[22:44] merciless1> lets go brah
[22:44] MrSmokin_hottie26> u missd ur shot for today
[22:44] merciless1> no now
[22:44] merciless1> NOW
[22:44] [D]Jozef> sho kpa still tired from your 1v1 earlier
[22:44] [D]Jozef> ;)
[22:44] merciless1> fk u u old faggit
[22:44] [GoD]Intrepid> XD
[22:45] MrSmokin_hottie26> lmaoo wowww
[22:45] [GoD]Intrepid> sho exhausted him :smirk:
[22:45] MrSmokin_hottie26> ill never go ez on u ever bro lolll
[22:45] [D]Jozef> :topkek:
[22:45] MrSmokin_hottie26> ur almost as bad as w33d at winning
[22:45] merciless1> winnin all that matters :smirk:
[22:45] [D]Jozef> eric moved up like 4 ranks today btw
[22:45] [D]Jozef> take notes guys
[22:45] merciless1> eric paused me n i lost all focus
[22:45] merciless1> 5 min pause
[22:46] [D]Jozef> ye write that down
[22:46] [D]Jozef> to do to your enemies
[22:46] [GoD]Intrepid> xd
[22:46] merciless1> 1v1 me jozef i show u ur place :monkastab:
[22:46] [D]Jozef> /me covers his bum
[22:46] [GoD]Intrepid> LOL
[22:46] [D]Jozef> lets go
[22:46] [D]Jozef> diego
[22:46] [GoD]Intrepid> :pog:
[22:46] merciless1> wow free pts
[22:47] [GoD]Intrepid> imagine sho loses
[22:47] [GoD]Intrepid> lolll
[22:48] [GoD]Eric> i wante to spec
[22:48] [GoD]Intrepid> he launched too fast
[22:48] [GoD]Intrepid> scared to have spectators
[22:49] [GoD]Eric> ++++++++++2
[22:53] [D]Jozef> he is winning :<
[22:54] [GoD]Eric> stream
[22:55] [D]Jozef> https://www.twitch.tv/joenoshmoe
[22:55] [GoD]Intrepid> :good:
[22:58] [GoD]Intrepid> koopa noob :poof:
[22:58] [GoD]Intrepid out
[23:00] Zpektrix_TAS out
[23:00] [D]Jozef> gg diego
[23:00] merciless1> mega sik game
[23:00] [D]Jozef> :pepelove:
[23:01] merciless1> warrior rushing is annoying no matter who executes it
[23:01] merciless1> jesus
[23:01] [D]Jozef> I think i executed it wrong
[23:01] [D]Jozef> should have build my base as well
[23:01] [Rw]Raver> i was internally screaming at u to build huts
[23:02] merciless1> maybe if u made 3 warr huts from start n charged light
[23:02] merciless1> u wud got me
[23:02] [AvA]Toruk_Makto out
[23:02] [D]Jozef> ye needed light
[23:02] [D]Jozef> and more convert
[23:02] [AsG]Manl1> jooosepppo
[23:02] [AsG]Manl1> next time you've got it
[23:02] [D]Jozef> thank you :heheboi:
[23:02] [AsG]Manl1> making dinner rn
[23:02] [AsG]Manl1> then hoping for another game
[23:03] merciless1> nah but this time i'll expect the warr rush
[23:03] [D]Jozef> eric is waiting
[23:03] [D]Jozef> i wouldnt war rush again obv
[23:03] merciless1> was ur best move
[23:03] [GoD]Eric> shogun
[23:03] [GoD]Eric> i think we need a rm
[23:03] merciless1> any nub can perform it nhave "chances" of winning
[23:03] [D]Jozef> i had 0 chance otherwise :<
[23:03] merciless1> cos if u make 20 warrs at start n get enemy shaman
[23:04] [GoD]Eric> shogun
[23:04] [GoD]Eric> join
[23:04] [GoD]Eric> or 1v1
[23:04] merciless1> 50 braves n 10 fws wont hold them pretty well
[23:04] [GoD]Eric> il ally lebannen
[23:04] [GoD]Eric> sess
[23:04] merciless1> lmao thats node
[23:04] merciless1> old guy
[23:04] merciless1> he used to play good
[23:04] [D]Jozef> diego they dont call you the greatest of all time, from a very small geographical area inside of spain, for nothin
[23:04] [GoD]Eric> i can ally raver than
[23:04] [GoD]Eric> join
[23:05] [GoD]Eric> shogun
[23:05] merciless1> ally me eric
[23:05] merciless1> :ohyes:
[23:05] [GoD]Eric> sure
[23:05] merciless1> luololol
[23:05] merciless1> nah no pts that way
[23:05] [GoD]Eric> join i want to ally the noob
[23:05] [GoD]Eric> so il ally raver?
[23:05] adray_tsi in
[23:05] merciless1> idk
[23:06] [GoD]Eric> choose man
[23:06] merciless1> sure
[23:06] merciless1> just go
[23:06] [GoD]Eric> aight
[23:06] [GoD]Eric> get ping
[23:06] [GoD]Eric> or can u host
[23:06] [GoD]Eric> sess
[23:06] [GoD]Eric> ?
[23:06] [D]Jozef> glhf
[23:06] [D]Jozef> loooooooooool
[23:06] merciless1> stfu u rusher nub! :monkastab:
[23:07] merciless1> dude eric gtfo host spot then
[23:08] [D]Jozef> need me to host you
[23:08] [Rw]Raver> maybe
[23:08] [Rw]Raver> :>
[23:08] [D]Jozef> where is node from?
[23:09] merciless1> dont remeber
[23:09] merciless1> but hes spanish tho
[23:09] [D]Jozef> de donde eres
[23:09] [GoD]Eric> lebannen
[23:09] [GoD]Eric> ping
[23:09] O-Ren_TSI out
[23:09] [GoD]Eric> jozef
[23:09] merciless1> dont even thikn hes here
[23:09] [GoD]Eric> do u want to ally shogun
[23:09] [D]Jozef> sho quiere tu gran polla
[23:10] [GoD]Eric> and i ally raver
[23:10] [GoD]Eric> will be fair teams
[23:10] [D]Jozef> we could
[23:10] [D]Jozef> but i fear
[23:10] [GoD]Eric> aight
[23:10] [GoD]Eric> lets do it
[23:10] [GoD]Eric> are u a man or a girl?
[23:10] [D]Jozef> who?
[23:10] [GoD]Eric> you
[23:10] merciless1> obviously a girl
[23:10] [D]Jozef> yea
[23:10] [D]Jozef> why you think me and bian so close
[23:11] [GoD]Eric> than its okay to be afraid
[23:11] [D]Jozef> we have to stick together so few of us
[23:11] merciless1> lol
[23:11] [D]Jozef> and creepy men here
[23:11] merciless1> u heard that jozef
[23:11] merciless1> if ur a girl its ok to be afraid
[23:11] merciless1> likea fkin twat
[23:11] merciless1> :>
[23:11] [GoD]Eric> shogun
[23:11] [D]Jozef> wtf men can be afraid
[23:11] merciless1> not true men
[23:11] merciless1> :pepeohyes:
[23:11] [GoD]Eric> kick leba
[23:11] [Rw]Raver> ur fears become ur limits
[23:12] [Rw]Raver> :>
[23:12] [GoD]Eric> men cant be afraid
[23:12] [D]Jozef> i cant with this mm
[23:12] [GoD]Eric> a men goes trough it
[23:12] [D]Jozef> its like 1950 here
[23:12] [Rw]Raver> 2050
[23:12] [Rw]Raver> we ahead of it
[23:12] [GoD]Eric> looks like ur a supporter of lgbtq
[23:20] [Rw]Ninety in
[23:32] urepopulous2 out
[23:35] [AsG]Manl1> :pepepride:
[23:35] [AsG]Manl1> :monkalove:
[23:41] [D]Jozef> gg
[23:41] merciless1> dat shit was 2v1 lol.
[23:42] [D]Jozef> looooooool
[23:42] [D]Jozef> honestly props to raver
[23:42] [D]Jozef> cause he recovered nice
[23:42] [D]Jozef> hi 90
[23:42] [GoD]Eric> join shogun
[23:43] [GoD]Eric> ye he had 5 pop
[23:43] [GoD]Eric> if i had a big base
[23:43] [Rw]Raver> 1 eq early in sess u just spend the whole time tryna recover under extreme pressure
[23:43] [GoD]Eric> i could handle u guys
[23:43] [D]Jozef> coulda woulda
[23:43] [D]Jozef> diego slapped you around
[23:43] merciless1> its late here
[23:44] [GoD]Eric> no he dint
[23:44] merciless1> night
[23:44] merciless1 out
[23:44] [D]Jozef> made you look like trainee
[23:44] [GoD]Eric> shogun its only 11;44
[23:45] [Rw]Raver> pop is the only thing in the world that invokes anger inside me
[23:45] [Rw]Raver> i feel it deeply
[23:45] [D]Jozef> lol
[23:45] [GoD]Eric> join raver
[23:45] [GoD]Eric> ally me again on sess
[23:45] [D]Jozef> at least its not just me
[23:45] [AsG]Manl1> someone else needs to host
[23:45] [GoD]Eric> or we can do wom
[23:45] [GoD]Eric> is wom o?
[23:45] [AsG]Manl1> no wom
[23:45] [Rw]Raver> nah do sess
[23:45] [AsG]Manl1> i hate wom so much :D
[23:45] [GoD]Eric> sess?
[23:45] [Rw]Raver> i wanted rematch vs those 2
[23:45] [AsG]Manl1> Joseph you host <3
[23:45] [D]Jozef> cba
[23:45] [D]Jozef> no one to offset eric
[23:47] KrelliHS in
[23:47] [D]Jozef> dint connect
[23:49] [D]Jozef> didnt conenct again
[23:49] [D]Jozef> idk if its because i leave hut right as you launch?
[23:49] adray_tsi out
[23:52] Luxray in
[23:52] [D]Jozef> sec
[23:52] [D]Jozef out
[23:53] [D]Jozef> 2 min
[23:54] [D]Jozef in
[23:55] [D]Jozef> sry forgot i changed settings
[23:56] themrspysir out
[23:59] adray_tsi in